Forced 2-2-2 Is Never Going to Happen

This game is all about having the freedom to pick whatever character you want or building whatever team you want to play with. And forcing every game to be 2-2-2 is simply not how this game was designed.

Before you say it, yes I AM aware that this game started with the ability to pick Duplicate Heroes on the same team (No Limits rule set), but that’s a different beast altogether.

I can assure you if 2-2-2 gets enforced; there will be people screaming that nobody wants to play (insert specific class here) and it is making it take too long to find a game, there will be people screaming at papa Jeff to “give them their freedom back” and “stop oppressing them with forced picks” or something like that, there will be people screaming about lack of diversity in the game. Even more than already exists. The list goes on, but this sh*tpost is already getting too long to read.

Tl;Dr I see 2-2-2 causing more problems than fixing and removes a core element from the game.


They literally said they are working on it. 2-2-2 is what this game needs.


I disagree.
I see more bad than good that this system will implement.


The biggest issue I see in low ranks is people picking whoever they want with no viable team comp in sight. This fixes that.

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I mean its possible to have a 2-2-2 matchmaker without the 2-2-2 restriction on hero picks, the matchmaker will simply take which role/hero you play into account when placing you with other people.

(as of right now, it doesnt do this.)

That ruins the point of it? A rein one trick can insta lock a hero they never play regardless. Forced 2-2-2 is literally the only way.

In the words of our favorite omnic monk:

If they can’t find a reliable enough way to force triple tank, and therefore GOATS, out of the meta, then they will quite literally be forced… to make 2-2-2 the only viable comp.

Can’t wait to be yelled at for picking “non-optimal” tank or DPS and “wasting a slot”. This will be so exciting. Yay.


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(Points to LFG)
Too bad nobody uses it though for some reason…


LFG doesn’t fix anything unless you 6 stack which makes your queue jump to 20-30 minutes. If 1 person leaves it ruins the point of it.

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No they didn’t. They said they were considering it. Meaning, it’s just a thought at this point.

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They said they are working on it and it will take time to implement because of the massive task of reworking the match maker.

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Like that never happens now.

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No. They didn’t.

It’s just a thought at this point in time. Get your facts straight.

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You’re a Scanner model.
Aren’t you used to being yelled at?

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is that the games fault or just the players who decide how to play

Because nobody uses it!

Forced 2-2-2 will make the option of me being a dps and switching to Hammond to contest a point hoping i can stall long enough so my team can get on point never happning. I had tanks not switch to hammond so i had to do so. 2-2-2 would take away that hope or chance of winning. I agree.


That’s not the context that was implied. It probably won’t even be what pro 2-2-2’s think if it ever were a solid plan.

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