Force lose streaks stronger than ever

i play high plat/diamond every season. this season, i had a 23 match loss streak. stayed in low gold a few days. then suddenly BAM! had a 13 match win streak. I dont know why the matches always seem to come in streaks like this, and typically its a steamroll. super easy, or impossible to win.

It doesn’t exist. The system doesn’t control people’s choices.

yes it does, see blizzard has a system if u win too much Blizzard puts players with lose streaks on your team and players with winstreaks on the other team. Its an actual joke

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there is no forced lose streak, you just climbed into an elo that you are not good enough for so you drop down again

the rest is confirmation bias

I got a win with an amazing team, the next game I got a guy who only plays torbjorn

WON that

next game got a 4 man who all wanted to play DPS

WON that

next game got a 5 man who could not land a shot for the life of them


it’s not always clear how matchmaking works but you gotta stick with who ever is given to you

(oh yeah then I lost like 6 in a row but that’s besides the point)

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never heard bigger bs in my life LOL

Game 1: Doesn’t happen in LFG, as long as you use proper settings.
Game 2: Much, much less common to have rage quitters in LFG.
Game 3: This sort of thing might happen, but if you are the serious underdog, you will lose less SR on a loss, and gain more SR on a win.
Game 4: Repeat matches happen more in LFG, especially if you are in a region/platform/rank with not many groups.

On all the accounts that I own, I’m on a winstreak. Forced losses are NOT a thing. Flip a coin. Sometimes it’s head, sometimes it’s tails. Sometimes, 5 times tails.

Btw. Screens or it didn’t happen.

that’s funny, you think me saying that blizzard is not rigging your games is the biggest bs you heard in your life.


so why do you think blizzard is after you especially? because if it were true for everyone nobody would ever climb SR ever. so blizz must only rig some games. why would they choose you?

also the matchmaker doesn’t remember past games, it takes your stats, at the very moment you press “queue” and finds people of similar stats which leads to a calculated probability of winning the game as close to 50% as possible.

you know what that means?

the teams are even and either one could win. and ideally it is you making the difference.

it’s the exact opposite of what you believe it is.

Their MatchMaking goal isn’t to get as close to 50% as possible, it is to keep your SR as close to your MMR as possible. If your SR is above your MMR you will get placed into matches that have a closer to a 40% chance to win than 50%…if your MMR is higher than your SR you will get matches that are closer to 60% chance to win…if you don’t think this occurs NOR has any effect on your game play experience you’re oblivious…

If the goal was to create games with as close to 50% win chance for each team you’d see much less stomps…at lower ranks its generally a one sided game.

Even if the teams are matched 50/50, stomps will still happen. Fair team doesn’t always mean a close game.

Momentum is a huge part of overwatch so rolling over a team can happen easily.

It doesnt exist (20 characters)

Yet you completely dismiss the fact match making tolerance for a predicted outcome is 20%…

Aimbot calvin said it perfectly in his stream yesterday.

“I shouldn’t be placed in games against players I COULDN’T QUEUE WITH due to the SR difference (>500 in gm/top 500)”

…yet hes 4500 being thrown in games with 3800 players on his team at times as if that isn’t an attempt to keep people from hitting or exceeding 5k…


and you get more SR for winning a 40% match and gain less for winning a 60% one

sorry that destroys your whole point

and lower rank games are more onesided because lower ranks are highly inconsistent in their skill

No it doesn’t, you dismiss so much by stating something so simple. Their algorithm literally REQUIRES forced loses or HIGHLY predicted losses to maintain their 5k SR cap…people are so oblivious I can’t even…a SR cap destroys YOUR whole point

People have hit 5000 SR before… And no one hits it these days because at that SR you lose more than you gain.

There’s not enough players at that SR to always have completely balanced games.

These problems do not affect anyone lower SR though.

People have hit 5000 sr sure. Please show me the long list of those players… You still remain oblivious to the fact it is a CEILING and to keep really good players from exceeding it they are thrown into matches with very low chances of winning…if you can’t see how that SAME algorithm is applied universally in the 40%-60% tolerance for predicted outcome then you must have an IQ below room temperature. I am done trying to explain the alphabet to you.

Or… or… and I’m just spitballing here… You’re looking for an excuse as to why you can’t climb to GM and it’s easier to say that a system is holding you down than to admit it’s your own skill holding you down.

Food for thought.

no you earn less SR the closer you get to 5k… it’s that simple

just read it from Scott Mercer himself

There are many other reasons for the SR gained or lost after a game to differ in magnitude that have nothing to do with grouping:

  • What was the quality of the enemy team and your predicted win chance? You gain more on a win if your predicted win chance was <50%. You gain less on a win if your predicted win chance was >50%.
  • Are you playing consistently? New accounts or accounts that have been inactive will see larger magnitude changes both upwards and downwards. This settles back to normal as you play additional games.
  • Did your 3000+ SR recently decay due to inactivity? If this happened, you’ll gain more SR on a win until you get back to your “undecayed” SR.
  • Are you a Platinum-tier player or below? If you performed particularly well or worse than what is considered a typical performance during a match, then there’s a small SR modification to reflect that.
  • Is your current SR really high? Your SR increases less on a win than it decreases on a loss as your SR approaches the systemic limit of 5000.

Even if you do end up in game where your predicted win rate is close to 40%, it’s important to remember that it also means that your SR will drop less when you lose, and you will gain more SR if you win.

let’s say you play 10 games in a row and all 10 games only have a predicted 40% win rate. If you win 4 of those 10 matches, your SR be the same as it started.

Monday I came from a 20 game losing streak had the biggest morons on my team ive ever experianced 18 out of the 20 games had Trolls , leavers , throwers and enemy smurfs. Lost count of the succesful report msgs and when I say trolls torbs in spawn, genjis in spawn , widow jumping off map , Rein playing the Mario dying noise over mic charging off map and many more.

Now im on a 12 game winning streak and im winning because the enemy team are getting these morons now. Again been reporting them last game was a enemy Sombra dancing with us. Its tge worst its ever been and I put it down to the kids summer holidays as it started on friday same day they broke up from school.