For those who still enjoy Overwatch: Why?

Same reason why I start playing it since beta. To play hero’s that I like and have a good experience. When you keep things like toxicity, blaming, metas out honestly you can have that experience even now. It’s a bit hard to keep those things out though.

And besides this new hero Ashe is a match made in heaven for me. She is just too fun.

I enjoy the competitive feel of it. There are no rewards in this game outside of winning and improving your own play. You don’t unlock better weapons, gear, etc. through grinding or anything. Everybody starts on and remains on equal footing forever and you can only separate yourself from other players based on your own skill. I want to get better with every hero, so there’s never nothing for me to do. I’ve played this game most days since it was released and I’ll continue to as long as the core gameplay stays how it is.

My friends still play it, more than I do really, so I play with them. There’s times its really enjoyable although I don’t really enjoy the game itself anymore as I used to, I’ll still play if my group of friends are.

I’m really liking all these different answers. Its interesting to me since my drive for the game has all but gone kapoot unfortunatly :frowning:

I agree. How can people still have fun with this terrible game. If they wanted the same gamemode, why don’t they go to a better game, like Tf2 or Paladins? The game is being ruined and no developer seems to want to fix it. The matchmaking has always been trash in OW. I don’t get people that keep playing. Do they like getting one shot out of nowhere? If so, why don’t they play CSGO, where getting one shot doesn’t ruin the experience and is part of the game? If they want tons and tons of characters, Paladins has many, and they actually try on their game. If they want the fun experience OW once had, then they could be playing Tf2.

Well, this game will always have a special place in my heart because of many reasons. I actually met my fiance from Overwatch. We now live together and I run a little discord community from the Custom Games I host from time to time. The people I’ve met are awesome.

Game play wise: I may not be happy with the current state of the game, my main has been in the dirt for two years, but I can’t deny that I still love the hero roster. I can still find enjoyment playing Customs or LFG Quickplay.

anthem in 2 months, its a filler, nothing more.

Mainly just because my friend still plays overwatch

Just the smoothness and general build quality.

It’s nice playing a game where there’s a constant 144 FPS with a 20MS latency.

I focus on getting better at the game and personal improvement. Balance doesn’t matter when you view yourself as the weakest link that needs to be buffed.

Ashe. But I am playing way less. Like 80% less.

Because Sym and Mercy are my Queens :heart_eyes: and I need to know whether or not they are actually going to fix them before I stop playing the game for good.

It’s fun, it’s relevant, it’s stylish, and it lets me play a big German metal man with a rocket hammer. What’s not to like about it?

It’s a game I can still and always did play casually with whatever little time I have. Between work,kid, marriage, adulting I hardly have time to game at all. So I enjoy a few matches to get my gaming fix for that day.