For those thinking Marvel Rivals is the answer

It’ll be short lived. The game will add role queue because of OP combinations, and tank will be the least played because of things like this. Welcome to long queue times if they don’t limit it to 1 tank per team

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Nice clip.

Pretty rough, but the guy did decide to ult in the middle of the enemy team.

I am not going to pretend to understand how Marvel Rivals will play out; however, my first impressions from observation is that you are not entirely off the mark. It will likely play out how open queue does currently. Nobody in their right mind is going to solo tank which means you stack tanks or do not bother. It does not help that the tanks look boring as hell. I say that as someone who prefers tank or support over DPS at the moment. In Marvel Rivals, I am pretty sure I am just going to do what everyone will do and instalock damage. It looks far more easy and impactful.

Dr. Strange and Maneto are among my favorite Marvel characters too. They just look awful. Magneto is alright-ish if someone picks his daughter. But otherwise? Meh.

Is Venom a tank? That might change my opinion a bit. But Hulk is a joke. Hopefully they have some better options at launch.

It doesn’t need to ‘kill Overwatch 2’

All it has to do is damage it by recouping some of its stuff since it’s handled by NetEase, the same company managing Blizzard games in China.

That alone is a threat to Overwatch 2’s quality and is what people seem to prefer from Marvel Rivals. The game will likely die out in 1 to 3 years max since it’s Marvel and superheroes don’t reinvent the wheel much and the game feels closer to Smite if anything.

What MR does will likely influence the course of OW2 if it has any significant impact for more than a week.

I don’t need it to kill overwatch, I just want to play something else overwatchy when this game gets on my last nerve.


Ha! That pretty much sums it up! Rivals, your OW2 rebound :sunglasses:

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