For those: "Mercy was weak before her Rework"

Well… If you’re going to be technical… A picture is in theory flat… So…

You would be the one claiming the earth is flat in this scenario.

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If that were true, why am I the one with evidence, and you the one without?

Again, the evidence is there, you just choose to ignore it.

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They said that after the rework…

Mercy had a 5% pickrate pre-rework.

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Okay, let’s assume I neglected your evidence before. How about you show your evidence now?

You’ve literally had an entire thread of people explaining why you’re wrong. If you were unable to comprehend it then, you’re not suddenly going to be able to now.

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But that’s not evidence. If anything, that’s just hard backpedaling, saying “of course Mercy was strong before her rework”.

I’m looking for this “Bigfoot” type evidence you claim that Mercy was weak on patch 1.14

Ok, thought experiment time!

Scenario 1: Your team picks… auto locks 5 DPS. Who are you going to pick? Well… assuming you don’t say “whatever! this is lost anyway” and lock another DPS… you’re going to pick Mercy. No other healer will be able to both keep themselves safe and heal your stupid spread out team and picking a tank without a healer is just asking for a terrible time.

Scenario 2: Your team picks… comp looks good except there’s no healers picked. Who do you pick? Unless you are godlike on a nerfed Ana… you’re gonna pick Mercy.

Scenario 3: You get a 2-2-2 and you’re on main heals… other team picks dive comp. Who do you pick? Well Mercy because Ana gets eaten alive by Dive and you aren’t running dive so surviving on the healing output of 2 off healers isn’t on the table.

The answer to a few of those at present might be Moira… but Moira didn’t exist at that time.

I’ll say it once, I’ll say it again. Mercy is the easiest healer and is also the healer who can keep doing her job regardless of whatever stupid comp your team picked. She will ALWAYS be highly picked in low ranks.

That doesn’t make her OP.


So in other words, you don’t want people to give you facts, you just want everyone to admit that your assumptions are correct and everyone else is wrong.

I want to dismantle the idea that reverting to Mercy patch 1.14 would automagically be balanced.

That said, I’d be fine with Season 3 Mercy (without wallhax on rez, and GA bounce added).

But I see that as pretty unlikely, and I’ve gotten pretty tired of the weak idea that the game can’t be allowed to be balanced without MultiRez.

No one claims Mercy was “weak” after rez invuln, only that she wasn’t OP. The problem was her power being too focused in rez and lacking midfight potential. But as you’ve been told dozens of times now, Mercy’s pickrate was high anyways because she’s popular and her alternatives were weak. But whatever, you’re going to disregard that and come up with some trash that completely ignores reason like you always do.


You do realize… That Mercy existed… Before that patch right?

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Was there any changes to Mercy between 1.14 and adding Invulnerability on Rez?

You… do realize that most people who want a revert want Mercy to be reverted to before she got the post resurrect invulnerability buff… right?


While I’m aware that some want that, kinda got the feeling most wanted Mercy from August2017, not December2016.

I don’t think I’ve seen a single person ask for Mass Resurrect with invulnerability back.

Let me quantify that…Usually what I’ve seen is… revert to pre Invulnerability, keep Angel Hop, Give her an E, Add extra ways to counter Mass Resurrect.

Said extra ways are usually LoS checks and a short(ish) cast time.


There were changes to Mercy before 1.14 and before she had invulnerability GreyFalcon.

Mercy with invulnerable mass rez didn’t always exist. You do realize… that right…?

So when you say “Revert”, do you personally mean December2016 or August2017?

The main problems with Mercy:

  • Too consistent healing. You don’t even have to stop healing under any circumstances except distance and death. No reloads. No charge mechanic. Just healing.
  • Too powerful healing. Consistent healing at 60 hp/s on one target that increases to 5 while ulting is huge. That’s 300 healing per second if she’s hitting all 5 allies with it.
  • Consistent damage boost. No other support has damage boost (yes, boost, not resistance decrease) except for Ana, and it’s on her ult.
  • Only healer that has passive HP regen. Even Lucio has it on toggle. Everyone else either has to waste an ability or find a HP pack.
  • Too many escapes. Does she really need GA and Angelic Descent? Punish her for going over the edge of the map.
  • Rez. This is by far the most broken ability in the game. Being able to resurrect a 600 HP roadhog with all of his abilities off cooldown (sometimes) is massive for the team. If it’s a Reinhardt, that’s an extra 2k HP you gotta take down.

She’s just broken and nobody else on the Support roster can do these things.