For the next post complaining about heroes

Im gonna be making another “big” “well presented” post, like i did with the brigitte one fairly soon, ill be making another one most definitely on another post a certain hero’s kit, playstyle, and either why theyre too strong, or too weak in this meta, or in general.

Put your anwsers down as a post below on which one should i make it on, the ones ive thought about would be


Any other hero also works, those are just the ones ive been thinking about, thanks for the replies in advance <3

Id say go for mercy or mccree

i was thinking on mccree before

Bastion could also be good

Richard Nixon.

I mean, my vote would actually be for Bastion. :slight_smile:

I could try to make it for bastion :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh yeah bastion aswell…

Or perhaps rein… He seems a bit strong

Or maybe tracer could be good… So many possibilities

I was going to do a sym / torb thread to raise awareness

So why dont we split tasks and i take care of them and you the others, maybe take care of mccree and explain why FTH buff is bad, also;

Already took care of her

ill be sure to try mccree first, as he seems to get the most xD

No idea if this will make me regret everything, but let’s go Sym.

Sym will be on the list now aswell, just finished my mccree post, be sure to check it out :wink:

Also torb… Do him sometime

i present to you: The Big Problems With McCree - #4 by Poorooo-2867

Ill give it a read in a sec

here you go

The problems with Symmetra and Torb

Looks very nice, its a good read!