For the love of god just delete this

Ok, i will try. I would like to clarify that i did many experiments on different accounts myself and one of my friends boosted accounts and he was sharing results with me. I have also posted data from my climbing publicly, hundreds of games, sometimes even with recording.

My position is that if you play consistently better than others in your rank, you will climb. I can also link you streamer who used to be bronze and climbed to platinum. From low bronze. There is clearly seen progress and how players slowly climbed up over time. I have watched her gold games and i always told her that she has skill to be plat, but there were mistakes done in gameplay and thats why it took more time.

But to your topic and experiments:

You claim that:

Rigged to make climbing unpredictable

What do you mean by that? Yes you play with randoms, with 11 random people every match to be precise so there is certain level of unpredictabililty(i hope its a word lol).

If you want to be good at anything in your life, you have to invest time. The speed of climbing depends on how commited you are to improve vs your natural ability to learn just by playing the game. If you are gold ranked player, it might take you year to to stable plat player. But if you take coaching, will practice and seek how to play better, you can do it in month. Examples are even on this forum. So claim its time consuming doesnt exactly explain much. Because everything is time consuming on some level. What do i think? Its time more consuming on dps, or on certain heroes sure. But other than that, no its not unless you of course want to be better than people who do invest time to actualy be good at ow.

I play this game since release mostly solo q comp, over 12 000 comp games played. Its not frustrating experience for me. Its mostly fun. Sure some games will be frustrating but overall experience should not be. If you are frustrated with your place in system based on your skill, its on you. Its your internal issue, the frustration and you should work on how to play more relaxed.

No we absolutly dont know that. What does it even mean good players with worse players? There is no such thing as good or bad player. There are just players at certain SR. Matchmaker tries to make balanced matches to create 50/50. It doesnt mean his goal is to place overperform ed with underperformers. My data doesnt show anything like that. Its random, sometimes you are in match with people on your SR, sometimes they are not distributed evenly by sr, but there is no patters in that. Or hidden agenda.

Also your statistics doesnt matter, matchmaker is placing you in games based on MMR. MMR is affected by your performance tho, just wanted to clarify that. But its not like: this player played better than gold, give hm silver players now or underperformers having loss streak It doesnt work like that.

Again we dont, its your claim not supported by evidence. So its absolutly up to debate.

Show me few games played in row in your elo and show me how you check that if thats your claim.

Dont make a claim and act like it was proven to be true and than say its issue for another day.

Lets discuss it now, because its actualy untrue and i can prove it with data from my games where i overperformed and was losing less SR for loss under 3000. So your contribution in lost game is definitely recognized.

Overwatch is not mentioned in patent. But lets preted it is in a way how you talk about it.

Thats the thing, its not a norm because majority of your games in well populated elos are around your SR/MMR. Minority of games is with people more far away from your rank. So even if that would be in patent for OW, it obviously doesnt reflect reality.

Skilled players will always climb, if they are not, they only think they are skilled but in reality they are not as much as they think. Its not up to you to say if you are skilled. Show gameplay from you elo and let others decide that. Your biased opinion should not be taken into consideration in claim like that. Not directly your case, i talk about anyone who think how good they are.

I disagree, i cant talk for anyone but i am definitely able to tell if player should be higher just by watching the replay codes. I was in low ranks multiple times and i know how well you have to play to get out and what is realistic to expect from player.

Playing well compared to what, if player play well for his rank, its not enough to carry often, its enough to keep your rank. You have to play consistently better than people in your rank to climb over them. You will climb by doing more than is expected of you in your games. Some games you will win by doing 101% of your rank performance, some games 120% is not enough. Generaly speaking majority of games can be carried in some way. There is many ways how to carry also, by mechanical skill, by doing good smart decisions, by using voice chat well…

Sure, if you improve just a little, you might move from 2200-2400 range to 2250-2450 range. If you want to climb hundreds of SR you need to improve significantly and stop doing mistakes.

But it does result in sr change, you just dont see it in big picture because its slow progress. You dont magicaly jump 250 SR in skill. Learning and improving is process and it can be just few sr per week if you dont try hard enough to improve. Big jump is possible only if you are on alt or taking i tense coaching or if you suddendly change mindset.

Sorry but i have really hard time to believe this. If you throw and lower your stats that much you will absolutly drop in SR. As i said my friends used to boost accounts and also deranking them. If you throw you go down, thats a fact. You will also start losing more sr eventualy. Throwers do this for years, if that would not work and wont lower SR, they would not be doing it.

This is why i dont believe you. Because if you pick established account its not what will happen if you start throwing. You will start losing slightly more than 25 and then if you are consistently doing the same SR loss will be more significant. It will rarely go as high as 90 tho unless you have huge loss streak like 16 games. But that would be high sr and you said that your sr almost didnt change. Process slow down back to 25 when you land close to low bronze as performance done by others there is also very low.

Biased opinion, i would like to see games, to see evidence how your team mates are generaly better than enemy players. Your opinion about participants in your games is just anecdtocal evidence which cannot be checked if its reality.

Of course it is, the more better you play the faster you climb but sure play only slightly better and climb slower if that is your goal.

There is no such thing as to be designed as too good. You have your mmr and that is used to place in in match with people around that MMR. Simple as that.

Such a waste of time to do this level them up and not record it or share real data from it, makes me sad.

Its normal for new accounts and like next 15 games where win or loss play huge part in your rank, probably more than performance. Every placement games is like ±120 SR and that continue with multiple after placement games so outcomes migh be different. Just look at gm streamers sometimes they place gold, sometimes in diamond.

Whats your main acc rank? Because i am high plat low dia peak and when i go to 1500 account, i dominate most of the games. I can show you data on this also. My friend was frequently boosting accounts 1500 or more lower and he never had issue to climb with them.

Well i agree with this, its not fun to climb on dos currently because of queue times and frequent dos blaming from team mates on top of that.

There is no such thing as good or bad category. You are simply 2300 or 1800 ranked player. Neither one of them is good or bad.

Only when you want to climb fast. And out of curiosity why you didnt climb on your friends account than when you were 1500 sr more skilled?

Just set of extremely bad advices how to not climb.

So yeah you wanted me direct reaction, do here you go.

Btw, provide 1500 lower account and i will prove you wrong in comparison when you tried. Any day dude. Any role.


Sure, but everyone improves over time. You have to improve faster relative to your peers to climb.


You specifically said “Keeps players down”. Also, don’t come to the forums whining if you have 0 evidence to prove anything you’re saying. The fact you’re getting defensive over you not being able to back up anything you’re saying shows how fragile you are about your rank.

And who decides they have gotten better, themselves?


Amazing isn’t it? :joy::joy:

I always thought the jocks in high school were egotistical.

I hadn’t played competitive video games yet apparently :joy::joy:


There are many reasons why your team may lose a match:

  • Your team picked the wrong heroes
  • Your team doesn’t know how to counter the enemy team
  • Your team has no coordination
  • Both your Tanks/Dps/Supports are level 25 unranked player that have no previous experience with the game
  • Your team has leavers
  • Your team is getting rolled by cheaters
  • Your team has otp feeding rocks that don’t listen (derankers)
  • It was a fair match but your team was slightly less skilled than the enemy team

When I feel like “I will definitely lose the next game”, it always happens.
And I always lose for the same reason: my team gets two misranked players (same rank as mine, but actually playing like bronzers).
If I win 4 placement matches, the 5th one will always be this kind of rigged one.

If you’re playing in soloq, you’re probably going to get at least 30% of your time stolen like this.

That’s QP. QP and Arcade have 50% rigged win-rate.

Playing with friends is the best. Otherwise it’s kinda useless playing this game.
I would rather lose 1k SR again playing with friends than playing boring soloq with randoms.

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Look, I was heated for other reasons when I posted this. But without any direct evidence against what I’ve experienced, and my friends have experienced, and the internet has experienced, I’m not convinced. Fine, you disagree, but lack the kind of evidence you expect from me too? Whatever. No one has convinced me of anything or showed me anything new, save for the fact that the patent was said not to have been used. My experience is my experience and telling me I’m wrong just makes me disagree with you more. I guess I’ll delete this post then if all we can do is talk in circles. I know I’m not wrong. You think you’re not wrong. We’re both stubborn. Whatever. This was meant to be encouraging for people stuck in a rut with this game to quit because of how toxic the cycle of it is. But if ignoring the glaring truth of design flaws makes you feel more proud of yourself, go ahead. Not my problem. Deleting this in 5 minutes.

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What’s funny about people getting better is, getting better is relative.

Because the gaming community in general is getting better.

So if you’re not getting better at the rate of the community. You’re not getting better.

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I’m sorry to see you received personal attacks for sharing your experience and making a very strong case.

I would ask that you keep the post as it is extremely valuable evidence for us to make a case against Blizzard and hopefully get the matchmaker sorted out for Overwatch 2. I have saved a copy of the post for my own future reference.

Well maybe that is because it’s mind boggling what kind of mental gymnastics some people put on to justify being hardstuck.


Nah dawg…. I play like a god gamer!! No way I’m losing these games!!

It has to be bad teammates/match maker/throwers/smurfs/my mom not making me hot pockets/etc.

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I wasn’t attacking him. I called out the confirmation bias in their method and the inaccuracies in the evidence provided; both of which are fact. I’m very open minded and am willing to believe and even suspend my disbelief if I have to when considering a topic.

The entire case is based on speculation and clearly disprovable arguments. Their personal experience is fine and acceptable in that context but doesn’t exactly prove anything other than that being their experience. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


There were several personal attacks in this thread or otherwise non-constructive responses.

Or op realized he failed. And his experimemt didnt prove anything. If that was even done. Its strange that for over 50 hours spend on his experiment, he didnt really show any relevant data


While he did not record the data I can understand that he was simply doing this as a personal experiment and did not expect the results. His testimony alone is valuable however.

Not everyone has the time to record these kinds of occurrences. I recorded roughly 50 hours of gameplay which was rather inconvenient as well as impacted my framerate.

Not really as anyone can make up crazy stories here. And he clearly cared enough to waste many hours on this experiment. Has to be over 50 hours. Its very strange as he shared just almost no real data on all this.

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Telling someone to get over themselves isn’t a personal attack. It means lower the ego, if it offends you then you just make yourself look more egotistical.

And again, he did come whining to the forums with 0 evidence to prove his point. It is simply a fact.

Then don’t come to the forums and make an entire thread about it, claiming you are correct??? It’s funny how you began this thread claiming he was “100% correct” and others would just deny these “plain truths” yet not a single bit of evidence has been shown and in fact one of his arguments was entirely deconstructed.


I also said that I was willing to consider their evidence despite that. Which I did. I’ve explained at great length why cuthbert’s arguments are flawed, unhelpful, and factually inaccurate to you and reports in general. They specifically cited the post as a “major inspiration” thus warranting the label. I didn’t though.


I am a 400-foot tall purple platypus bear with pink horns and silver wings. :ghost:


Hey… WAIT A SECOND! Platypus bears aren’t purple… I’m onto you.


The direct evidence is that people climb. You are the one who needs to prove otherwise.

Your experience isn’t fact. And you are wrong until you can prove it.

Of course there are design flaws, but if anyone is being ignorant here it’s you. Like I said, you’re trying to make excuses for your rank and everyone who is unsatisfied with their current SR will agree with whatever you’re saying. I’m not the one complaining that the entire game is rigged, yet ironically you say I am trying to feel proud of myself?