For the love of god just delete this

Your SR does not determinate who you are matched with and against. You could have an SR of 50 and be matched against someone with an SR of 3509 under extreme circumstances. SR is only an extremely rough estimation of your skill rating and not the main determining factor.

How new? If you’re using two level 25 accounts then they both have the same starting point and invalidate anything you’re trying to prove with them for the most part.

According to your post your argument is that the matchmaker is rigged to hold you down when you’re trying to increase it. Also you’re trying to prove it with a patent that has plainly been stated to not be implemented or used in any active games.

SR has never been stated to be a pinpoint accurate way of determining a players skill. It was designed to follow your MMR and be a very rough approximation. (below diamond)

Congratulations! Your wish will be granted when Overwatch 2 launches! 5v5 offers players much greater ways of impacting the outcome of a match.

MMR is an accurate representation of skill. SR is an inaccurate representation and only a rough estimation. Sometimes it can be as much as 500sr off of what someone would say as their “actual rank” and still be accurate.

Regarding 50/50: If the system was allowing people to go higher than that I would be concerned about the backend being unable to find balanced games and throwing less skilled players to the wolves.


on my main I would play with my friend and we got to around mid diamond, then we began playing with his friends too, and within 2 days we dropped from 3.2k all the way down to 2.2k

Was very depressing for me, but now my friend he no longer plays without this group as he no longer cares about SR and has more fun with friends, but I honestly cannot stand it. I did recover and climb back up to around 2.8k SR but I gave up and couldn’t be bothered to put in the more time and effort to get back to my rank. Just getting from 2.2k-2.8 was stressful enough and the amount of toxic people drive me insane. I also no longer play that account.

Dunno, just felt like months of hard work was ruined just because we played with a group, I know I should have quit out after I lost 200 SR with his friends, but my friend is awesome and we had been playing competitive together for a long time.


1: I understand that, but if throwing doesn’t decrease my SR by much, I don’t see how the reverse is true. Everyone’s had games where they do much more work than previous games and still lose. Everyone’s had games where they don’t do anything and still win. That’s my point.

2: I made them together. How does this disprove anything? My point is that two accounts being placed too-far away is an issue.

3: I do believe it is designed to hold players down to keep them playing. But it’s news to me that it’s been stated to never have been implemented. I don’t distrust you, but I haven’t heard that before.

4: But using it as the apparent “score” for competitive play is misleading for people trying to know if they’re improving or not.

5: That’s good.

6: I agree that MMR is better. Though, when I say “Actual Skill”, I’m referring to their actual skill, not their in-game ranking, so there might have been some confusion there.
But in regards to that last part, it’s not very complicated. With a 50/50 win rate, some players are able to slack off while others pick up the slack. Then, their SR, over time, is adjusted accordingly. The worse people will slowly fall while the better people will slowly rise. But because the system is so much more dependent on prior statistics, unlike more tested equations, it doesn’t properly reflect the increase of skill over time. So I’m still a little confused about the disagreement here.

The system in place makes SR gains slow., increasing and decreasing it wildly while keeping long-term SR very close together. Most people use SR as a reference point because skill is so multi-faceted it’s maniacal to try and track every stat for a normal person.


Send replay codes of the games where u hard threw but still won.


Do you expect me to still have them? This particular experiment I did back in July; I never planned to share with anyone but my friend in the first place because I did it at his recommendation. I mean if you want I can throw a few games right now to show you it happens fairly often but what does that even prove?

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Yeah I do. You said u used a particular account which prob means u didn’t do it on ur main where u actually play. So I don’t see why u can’t have them?


Update 7:15 P.M: An Activision Publishing spokesperson has responded to Kotaku with the following statement:
“This was an exploratory patent filed in 2015 by an R&D team working independently from our game studios. It has not been implemented in-game.”


Because they always tell the truth. It’s not like they’re ever “tone deaf” about certain things or deny a handful of evidence. Unheard of.

The first stage of improvement is to stop making excuses for your rank.


Understood. But the fact they aren’t using this patent isn’t evidence that a similar method is not being used.

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This is where the discussion ends, I’m afraid. You’re just denying evidence that conflicts with your bias.


Can’t seen to reply correctly right now, but I wanted to say these two things:

1: I didn’t save them. I didn’t think I’d be sharing them with anyone; it started out as a little test for me and a friend. They get erased after 10 games or a patch as well.

2: I’m not making excuses for my rank though. I know what my personal skill level is and I work to improve it and I know how I’ve improved. What I dislike is the system that causes better players to be matched with worse players for the sake of making games more “balanced”.

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This is one of the more enjoyable parts of the Competitive Forums :joy:

Sometimes their arguments are convincing enough I almost believe them.


No, the fact they aren’t using this patent disproves your argument.


Now wait right there, how? That’s not denying evidence. That’s saying that a public claim on non-use isn’t enough to completely prove something similar isn’t being used.

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Theres so many unknown variables there which we cannot account for just by him stating this “result”. I have a total of 11 accounts, never have i had such a big SR disparity between any of them. One variable that also has to be considered is luck.

I agree that the mm tries to balance matches, but it does absolutely not hold you back if you really deserve a higher rank.


“Send replay codes of the games where u hard threw but still won.”
FJB474 if you really want one.

“No, the fact they aren’t using this patent disproves your argument.”

Explain to me how. If I accused someone of theft, and said they used a battering ram to get in, but really they used a lockpick, that doesn’t disprove theft.

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One game is not enough to ‘prove’ comp is rigged. Get over yourself.

Because your argument that the matchmaker is designed to keep players in low SR is simply deconstructed by the simple fact that you have no evidence such a thing exists even though you thought you did.


Okay guess I’ll just spend the next three days gathering evidence to convince one skeptic on the internet. Or not, because you don’t even understand my argument, which isn’t that it keeps SR low, but that it keeps it the same over time.

My argument is self-evident. Players have a hard time climbing even when they know they get better. More people can attest to that than people that can’t. And people create alternate accounts with wildly different SRs and still get stuck.

I’m not sure what you guys think I’m saying because my point is an obvious truth: SR is less malleable in the long term than it should be and that causes people frustration. SR is not a precise indicator of skill. The matchmaker pairs you with people of various skill levels. Which of these things are you confused about?

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Dunning-Kruger effect