For the love of god cassidy needs some buffs

can you bring back that stun/ or magnetic bomb?
he’s also weak in far situation
3 shots in head for killing pharah
seriously it needs a buff

His primarily fire didn’t get nerfed though, it was mostly his survivability that got nerfed. It’s probably harder to kill pharah now because of global HP increase + lack of compensation buff in damage, particularly from other roles like supports. Before S9 change, other roles (primarily supports) used to contribute to taking out pharah which made things easier back then.

For example, ana needs to shoot pharah at least 4 times now to secure a kill. And this is assuming that the pharah is getting zilch of healing which is rare. So you can no longer take out pharah as easily anymore on your own after S9. You need at least 2+ people shooting pharah simultaneously.

On top of that, only the DPS can apply the DPS passive (anti-heal). Which makes even tanks like slighly less effective (but still very good) at taking out pharah.

Flash need some fix like prioritet on movement ability. For example venture’s lmb now go through flash without effect.

I didn’t really twig to it before SidewaysGTS made that thread about it, but I think FB really, really needs better FX to make its AoE crystal clear to everyone involved. No to a stun, though. Maybe an interrupt, but no stun.

As far as Pharah goes, the devs posted that she’s got a 58% win rate. That’s code for “expect nerfs”. It’s just a matter of when.

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Don’t get what I’m about to say twisted because I do think she needs to be nerfed, but her uptick in winrate does coincide with McCasserole’s interactions with her getting nerfed a bit and Sojourn’s railgun getting gutted. Not being able to snap her out of the sky from downtown with hindernade does meaningfully affect the matchup, and not having as much burst with railgun definitely makes a pocketed Pharah noticeably harder to kill.

bruh he is the best dps next to soujorn and pharha

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god no don’t bring back mag nade

Just reposting the images from that thread: Old flash vs new flash

New flash lacks the distinct area effect, its just kind of a blurry/hazy vaguely lit up area.

Add in the audio differences, and theres a distinct lack in feedback from the ability. Quite often i find myself only noticing ive been hit with it when i see “hindered” on my screen after wondering why my abilities wont activate.

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