I always get reported and called bad at the game because everyone thinks that because I’m a gold portrait, I should always be carrying my team and I should always overperform. But that’s not how this game works. Just because someone is a high level, doesn’t mean they’re amazing at the game.
I can’t believe after almost 3 years, barely anyone recognizes this.
You would expect someone with so much time invested in the game to know what they’re doing.
I’m on their side. It’s like the equivalent of being 53 years old and still a fry cook at White Castle with 34 years of experience. Not even a shift manager yet? At 53? All that time?
While level doesn’t always mean skill it does mean experience and at that point you should have a pretty good grasp on things and at the very least I would think be in diamond or higher. They do have a point.
I play alot of arcade (ctf mostly) and i hear ya. I have a good grasp at the game but just because i have a silver portrait doesnt mean I can hop on widow and just frag out all game.
No one’s expected to be a JoaT, but if you have a main or two or three and 1,000+hr invested in the game, I find it difficult to fathom not being at least a top 25% player.
I’m a silver portrait who hit plat this season, but probably 90% of my hours are in QP. QP and comp are two different beasts. I know I can climb higher, but I have to put the comp hours in. But if I were someone who always blamed my team instead of looking at myself, it’s possible I’d be gold border stuck in silver. Experience is not a measure of skill.
From your perspective the genji with 300 hours should always do better then the genji with 30, yet that genji with 30 could have been a halo-god, a TF2-god, a Counter strike- god, whatever and played FPS their whole life and do very well where the 300 hour genji it could be their first shooter ever and there was a major learning curve.
Time does not equal skill as OP said, Skill = skill. Someone with 20 hours on soldier could have better aim then the player with 200 hours, or even 100 vs 1000.
Exactly i “could” climb if i wanted but Comp is such a horrible experience. It’s not even fun and some of the most eye-gouging player i ever had the unfortunate opportunity to play with are on Comp. I usually rank gold/plat and if i finish plat at the end of a season it was a good season for me. But my total play time in comp each season is like 10-20 hours. I usually only play if i end up in a good group i get along with or it;s a good day and im feeling confident.
I’d much rather play ctf with the people who leave after one cap then be stuck in a match for 20 minutes with a toxic player and i cant even leave cause I’ll have a ban.
I don’t think anyone is expecting you to carry. If they are then that’s wrong. I certainly get frustrated playing with someone who has 1,000+ hours that doesn’t know even basic OW fundamentals though.
could be his 2nd job, or he doesnt need alot of money, or he doesnt want the responsibility that comes with leadership lol. I was running a dunkin donuts at age 23 and i had people calling me boss who were 50 years old… I hated it!! If there was a problem customer it was my job, if corporate was upset about something it’s my fault. I had to have “my experienced employees” teach me alot of the stuff too and show me how to do certain mechanical maintenance.
There’s always a reason someone isnt doing something, we’re not robots. Best thing you can do is give someone with more time the respect the deserve and try and do “your best” and not worry about what they are doing from my experience. I’ve been carried by people with 1 bronze star many times. Do i think they are a smurf? no, i just think they have a good grasp of how they are playing their character and i respect them for it.
What about the 14 year pro player lol. He was so good he put people with decades of shooter experience to shame. Some people are better at things then other right. Doesnt mean your bad, it just means they are better.
Just cause your a doctor with 30 years of experience your better then the kid outta college
This a thousand times. You could always be like chro and turn all comms off, including text chat. I definitely consider it sometimes, but my shot calling has won games… sigh.
I usually play “mute” myself, hearing “call-outs” distracts me more then helps me, but admittedly thats probably why i’ll never be a grandmaster. I focus on what im doing not what 11 people are doing and just try to have fun and win. No ones here to lose but in every game there will always be a winning team or a losing team (unless you draw but does that mean everyone wins or everyone loses )
I got most of my levels spending many hours (being lore happy) getting achievements for legendary Uprising/Retribution and expert Junkenstein.
Also, people should also realize that everyone doesn’t main one character or even a certain style of character. (Personally, I get bored playing the same character and usually don’t find DPS that interesting outside of campaign mode).
Further there are things Blizzard does that drive people away from characters that used to be their favorite to play. For example, Mercy hasn’t felt fun or impactful to me since they took away mass rez and each change they made to her since has made her even more boring and less impactful. So despite having almost 90 hours on her, I don’t want to play her. Then there are characters like Symmetra who has been altered so significantly that she doesn’t have even remotely similar play style to her prior incarnation, so there goes 90 more hours on another character.
And then! Sometimes Blizzard introduces new characters. Once I start playing them, I’m going to absolutely suck because Blizzard doesn’t bother making campaign modes or even training area that actually require learning characters and that means I’ll be hitting multiplayer games to learn how to play Doomfist (1hr), Brigitte (6 minutes), Wrecking Ball (3 minutes).
I’m pretty much gold border and still hot garbage, people don’t usually expect me to do well fortunately as I only play QP, but occasionally people definitely expect me to destroy on every hero.