For everyone saying Moira does tickle dmg

Yeah, she can do good damage, but its not hard to out damage her. Especially when you have your own team with you.

It’s not just the 50 dps. That’s the point of this whole thread.

Ah yes the title and

this doesn’t indicate that you think the damage is a problem or that the topic is about her dps?

With Samito and other brain dead streamers calling for those characters got nerfed to the ground if not deleted… thanks for moira

It still does tickle damage, despite the healing component and ease of aim making up for it’s super low damage. But the consistent tickle damage means she can never burst down anybody, they get ample time to run away, shoot back or get healed and not suddenly get blown up like what can happen with other characters.

Hypothetical. We have a hero who does 40 dps. Maybe less with a beam that has hitbox large enough that on average you have about 99% accuracy with no reload. As this hero does damage they self heal for 1000hps.

Someone in my position will say…you know this hero’s damage is kinda busted because they can pretty much do it forever with zero consequence.

Someone else might say it’s only 40 dps so they are no dmg threat at all.

Which do you think makes more sense?

Nothing wrong with that at all. Why do people get annoyed by it?

Changed the numbers a bit. Still think this hero would be no threat?

On the other side of the fence you have DPS players saying they were ‘melted’ by her damage when without orb she does 50 DPS.

All DPS heroes can sneeze and deal more damage then that…

uh uh, you clearly never play moira then. it takes way less than 4 seconds. y’all just love to pretend damage orb is terrible when in reality, is by far not useless.
you can kill squishies in less time u can do with a beam only sym, AND getting healed up /abusing long range at that

and moira still heals a lot with her left click alone so, no.

Ok, 3.5 seconds, although most Moiras use healing orb in duels anyway, although I’m not sure if that’s the optimal play anymore.

I think you’ve got the wrong guy, my name is Rocktopus.

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Brig was pretty damn understandable though… Why did a healer have the dueling potential to delete someone in a combo?

When all the changes to shield bash came through, I thought how Brig countered flankers was good. It focused on stopping a flanker from killing someone, and usually getting killed if they were careless.

Counter doesn’t necessarily mean “This character kills that character.”

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you arent the only person pretending that dmg orb never sees any good use when half of the time it kills anyone whos low (especially if ur support. god good dueling a moira as support is HORRIBLE) without any counter play, unless u wanna feed as dva the whole match

Both. It’s only 40 dps but their survivability is insane. Assuming this hero is 245≥ (accounting for armor, yes you Brig, why can’t I headshot you as Hanzo pls why), snipers should be able to kill them. Despite their survivability, they can die, their damage can get blocked by natural cover/barriers, and assuming this is an example of Moira buffed up with a “compensation” nerf (wait, that sounds familiar), they still have a resource to manage.
And Ana still exists, you know, her anti heal?

Also, this question is really pushing the limits of paper and not practice. Blizzard would not unbalance a hero that badly outside of April Fools. 1000hps is 100% paper and is not Moira. Now, lets discuss about Moira, shall we? Or was this conversation about Moira in the first place?

…I just didn’t mention it, that’s not me arguing anything.

If you wanna talk about damage orb, well its alright. I use it against opponents I think I’ll catch at the tip of my beam, like a high ground Ashe whose kinda too close. You can actually do quite a bit of damage with orb if your target is basically in a box.

I also like to use it to help a diver kill a squishy because it goes through barriers, oh, and poke phase ult charge.

You can just walk away from the orb.

Moira’s orb is terribly bad designed.

She just throws it away and prays to God so it can deal damage in… Wherever it goes. It just follows you behind and is fast, sometimes you can’t avoid the damage and it can (and will) kill you lots of times, and the player that is playing Moira wasn’t even intending to do that

Yeah but nerfing the thing she was mean’t to do isn’t the right direction either, her main gimmick is she outputs damage and healing, but no utility for the team, you nerf Moira’s damage, then she will be worse than Brigitte or Lucio in DPS Support situations, you nerf her healing, then she will be trash because she can’t keep up people with the mass amount of Damage Creep in this game, i think Moira is fine and people just need to swap from their blood-bounded character for two seconds to get rid of her.

If you nerf healing capabilities on Supports, then you need to nerf the Damage capabilities on DPS.

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doenst mean he knows what he is speaking of , after all the recent changes wouldnt suprise me if the meme of the devs team being actually plat was real

tbh even most pros are dumb and knows very little about the game and only play and trains on what they think is the “meta” , most pros never try new things outside of what exist in their lil world , they are good at the game they arent knowledgeable about it tho

moira is a no dps threat if you have half decent healers who don’t sleep and tbh its a shame because she should be a dps threat as its one of her only perks , moira only has damage and heals and you people expect her to heal as much as other healers what is stupid as other healer have utility on top ot it and to do no damage

you blame moira for being decent at the only things she is suppose to be good at

moira self heal at 30 % barely healed her already because 30 % of 50 dps is like what 15 hps ? not even now its 20 % making it even more pathetic , this change was legit made only to please low elo babies who couldnt play counters and the game in general

and self healing forces her to stop healing for her team what is already a big + for your team

Ah yes because as we’ve all seen how the devs are so well in touch with the game and are amazing at balancing it.

She has to have autolock and damage to prevent Genji and Tracer to be best heroes in the game.
Whole community wants to nerf Moira but they keep buffing Genji??? What is wrong with you people?

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