For everyone saying Moira does tickle dmg

I think you also have to take into account how much longer it takes to kill her as well. A 50dps beam which heals for 20hps. Combined with an orb that can up it to either 85hps or 100dps. And also an escape on a 6 sec cooldown. Also keep in mind she isn’t missing her dmg that much.

Moira has a self healing beam because if moira heals symmetra rampaging the frontline with 180 dps (symmetra is getting healed for 65 hps), who heals moira while she has to deal with a flanker and the team is busy? Always one sided DPS voice “no she heals herself so unfair”. If you wanna get healed, don’t flank. If you wanna kill moira in less than 4 sec, git gud.

I hate this comparison lol. Turrets don’t move or heal themselves.

Lol poor turrets, give turrets 200hp and self heal… so unfair


She’s basically got a turret instead of a weapon then. Sound better?

Ok no self heal, but she snares you.

“NO moira slows me for 20%, it’s so unfair”

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what does more dmg?..

50 consistent dps thats also deleting 20 dps from enemy


100 dps thats missing over half their shots (- aforementioned 20 dps consistently)

not considering cooldowns which are more dps/healing and a “nvm” button

dont just look at numbers…they dont tell the whole story most of the time…a lot goes into duels…

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I feel like all these Moira changes are just a knee-jerk reaction to the communities crying?
Before every one of her nerfs since she was meta in double shield, they were going to BUFF her with the anti-cc Fade changes…

I don’t understand why they changed her right click damage though. Damage ball is where all her DPS comes from anyway. If she manages to SLOWLY kill you from full health with her right click alone; that says a lot more about the your skill/ your positioning/ your healers reaction time, over Moira being too strong.

I agree her beam is too easy to use, and is incredibly forgiving with how lax your aim can be and still net results (she’s one of my most played characters) . But it just isn’t her biggest problem. Damage ball always has been. It’s the bulk of her DPS potential, it incentivises people to play her like a dps.

I’ve always thought damage ball shouldn’t bounce, it should stick to environmental surfaces. Increase its range slightly (0.5-1m?). I’d also decrease its total damage by 20-30 points to compensate. Forces her to play more defensively, and makes it easier for enemies to escape its range, as it can no longer follow them. It will still allow her to deal with flankers, but now she’ll function more like a builder (sym/ torb) when it comes to the the bulk of her DPS potential.


Please no lol, for everyone’s sakes.

Depends on if there’s a Zen orb in the mix.

Everyone should be so lucky as to have 50 dps.

No, really, make that the standard for everyone.

If you take a hero like mccree but you can’t aim, you can’t go here and complain you die because you can’t aim.

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Is 40-50% accuracy bad aim now?

Im pretty sure Mccree’s max dps is actually 6 times Moira’s

No, and its usually enough to duel Moira

Plus he can head shot, if you land 2 headshot in 4 bullets, you have deleted moira in less than 2 seconds.

i mean thats just a generic example…but you can take real accuracy numbers if you like…even for good ranks and still not JUST 50 dps…raw numbers dont tell the story…that 50 dps is often QUITE competitive because of whats actually going on

if they feel this way i wonder why they didnt go through with the experimental card, even tho i didnt like i tickled more the extra heals were pretty good

Ok moira is oppressive but torbs turret with her 40m range, can’t miss and torb keeping hammering it isn’t ?

I know. They just made it seem like missing half your shots is bad :thinking: . For Moira it would be but for pretty much anyone else that’s pretty good

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Plus missing half shot at succ range or less (moira doesn’t deal more dmg nor head shot the closest you are), it’s really bad aim.

Decent genji kill moira in 1.5 sec, tracer half clip her, soldier half clip then helix, doomfist can 2 shot, ashes can one shot, widow can one shot, hanzo can one shot and any distance…

easy is not the issue…thats ONE part of torbs kit…with moira its usually like the whole kit that enters the equation…

for the record im against nerfs to moiras numbers…

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