Flying sigma meta

This is what happens when Blizz management fire their QA people.



Report them.

People who use exploits fall under the cheating category.

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You haven’t heard of marblr? These videos are actually extremely helpful to the developers. It pin points the bug and explains step by step how to recreate it. They’re doing the devs work for them to make fixing it faster and easier. Marblr literally makes a YouTube career on bugs in Overwatch and sends all data to the devs too.

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More they outsourced to that QA company that reports unimportant things, yet never gets to actual game-breaking bugs.

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A lot of content creators basically have a lot of content being reporting information about the game they play. The idea therefore that you would ban a reporter because you didn’t like what they reported is a dangerous precedent.

Man I’m reporting all tech from here on out then. Because those are bugs.

Man it was hilarious! Really convenient as mercy healing and boosting a flying sigma🤣

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Tons of content creators using the Cassidy Deadeye bug with no consequence too while in qp and comp.

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But he still gave instructions on how to replicate the bug and released it for his community to see.
But it doesn’t matter anyway, he got streamer immunity for “minor incidents” like that.

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What kind of question is that? Of course you’ll get banned for doing that.

Hey everyone, while this bug is hilarious, we are going to be working to fix it as fast as possible. In the meantime, we are disabling Sigma from Competitive Play, but you can still use him in Unranked and Arcade modes including the new Starwatch: Galactic Rescue mode. Please note, do not deliberately attempt to trigger the bug even in these modes as it may not be fair for everyone else in the lobby. (See our Blizzard In-Game Code of Conduct for details.)


Flying Sigma is best Sigma :weary:

But it’s not intended, so I understand. Sure is fun tho.


Dooms power block literally doesn’t work.
Stop ignoring the doom threads.


pretty sure promoting and showing how to do exploits is also against ToS.

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Are you also gonna ban Flats for showing and encouraging in game expoits?


Flying Spaghetti Monster skin when?


What? People show off bugs all the time. Look at the recent High Noon bug that caused its damage to be way higher than it usually is.

And how was flats encouraging use of the exploit? Every clip he showed of it was either in the practice range or in a custom game with people he knew.

They’re not gonna ban people just for showing off a bug or exploit.

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Yes, and you should report anyone who you see exploiting it. :slight_smile:


it reminds me of that experimental a while back. we had a flying sigma at one point. guess they brought it back

we need galloping orisa back as well, that was a fun experimental

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I mean, if it’s Live, it’s Fair Game, right?

If Blizzard didn’t want this to happen, they should’ve Play Tested their Game.