Florida Mayhem vs. Philadelphia Fusion

I know, but still, go through my guide. As I said, I know there are issues which Blizzard is continuing to work on, but you might resolve yours if you check for all possible conditions that might snag you.

Boombox has a monster zenyata… very impressive…

I just got a 100 token drop last night. That’s the second time I’ve gotten it. I bought 2 skins (both Fusion) today.

i’ve checked through all of these and there’s no reason i shouldn’t be getting my tokens, but i blame minimal support for console (my account is connected to my xbox acct, and to the overwatchleague website) even says i’m logged in for viewership rewards on the league website.

My wife and I both didn’t really get hardly any drops the first night when it came back. I think I got one token for the whole night.

Maybe it’ll catch up?

on the OWL website do i have to watch it in full screen? or is it just broken.

This one hasnt been close. Carpe, just rolling heads.

Philadelphia Fusion is one control point away from the series.

Map 3 in progress - After the Well


WATCH LIVE: Twitch.tv - OverwatchLeague.com

I keep it on full screen on one of monitors at all times. I feel like if you’re not full screen, it’ll set you to away and you won’t get tokens. I could be wrong but it seems to have been pretty consistent since I started doing that.

did carpe just kill himself?

fight was going well for fusion so i’m guessing it was an accident.

Looked like it was the whole team that just killed themselves.

As far as my personal experience goes, I watch the matches on Twitch either on my mobile app or on the desktop browser. Full screen does not matter.

Here is my current known issue list as of today that users are reporting:

  • Some Canadian users have reported they stopped earning rewards starting in stage 3 (even if they passed the math test)
  • Watching in Command Center view is not paying out points
  • Watching on piggyback devices such as Google Chromecast does not payout points
  • Users who fail the Canadian Math Test cannot reset to earn rewards.

My wife and I err on the side of caution. We usually have it playing in both the Twitch app and the website. One being full-screen.

Overkill, but I want my tokens.

Florida shows signs of life on the ruins.

Map 3 in progress - After Ruinsl


WATCH LIVE: Twitch.tv - OverwatchLeague.com

Snillo is going to develop back problems as he gets older from all this carrying.

Philly takes the series after the bouts on the lighthouse!

After Map 3


WATCH LIVE: Twitch.tv - OverwatchLeague.com

if florida can get a win on route 66 that’d be amazing, but considering how good fusion is at route 66 i highly doubt it.

Rippp not even home yet and it’s already gg :frowning:


I think they proved you wrong.