Florida Mayhem vs. London Spitfire - FINAL

Problem is that Control Maps are London’s poison. They rarely win them. If I recall map order correctly, Busan will be the Control Map for the tiebreaker.

They’re actually doing this huh?

um…i was out on a walk with my sister and i just got home and florida is up 2-0…? what is happening

I swear Gesture is still feeding way too much.

I don’t see London getting to the end.

In other pro sports they call these Trap Games. Where the better teams looks forward to the future as opposed to focusing on who they are playing. Maybe.

Okay so this comment was intially going to be a bet that Florida wouldn’t win but I couldn’t think of a forfeit to do if they did win, so scrapped that idea. Feeling kinda relieved right about now.


i did the first picks for the paris atlanta game and before the game was even finished it showed already the results for the picks “who does the most healing/dmg/ultimates”… makes no sense?

ok so THAT was an actual c9 right

The picks lock up for each map played and are shortly revealed after the map ends not at the end of the overall match.

Is this London sandbagging?

So if any chance this is a draw Florida wins right?

That’s what happened.

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It happened. I was there.



iz of happenings!! (countryball style)

OMG! :open_mouth:
Whats happening here? Whats going on with Florida? And actualy, what’s going on with London? :astonished:

And this is why I switched to the Titans’ bandwagon this year.

I can’t believe that just happened.

Me right now for calling a reverse sweep.