Flex Queue Idea

Are you open to critique or is this a “defend the house at all cost!” scenario?

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he’s looking for an echo chamber and is shocked that not everyone is as selfish and uncaring as him.

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im here and im affirming that as a dps player this roll queue does nothing but punish and frustrate dps players… as a dps main i would prefer getting priority dps every couple games for flexxing than shoving myself in a 20 min queue…

games would be more enjoyable as a tank and healer for me as a dps player because i would feel that im earning some dps play…

i promise u im a filthy dps main true and true and these are my true feelings

so you want to make it worse by pushing them to the back of the line every time someone who played another role (keep in mind they got the play the game while those they are bumping back have been waiting in queue) queues up ?

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That is impossible without creating a “priority queue”.
I did a thread in that regard with an idea that will 100% not become reality but … the theory is there:

yeah if ur gonna be a selfish individual who cannot give back to the community and only ever queue as dps in competitive then you should have non priority queue.

as a filthy dps main who roadhogs when he tanks. I endorse and support this message.

this would have an immediate impact on queue times, as more people would use their brain and flex to play dps instead of just getting dps because they refuse to do anything else.

I was calling you selfish not those that choose to sit in the queue and wait for a game to start.
You are the selfish and uncaring one that feels that your playtime is more important than others. You want to be rewarded for playing by being able to play more without any wait like others that want to play the same way as you want to.

I think it should be opposite and those that play other roles then just queue as DPS should be put to the back and then add 10 minutes of other DPS players queuing (so could go back much more than just 10 minutes depending on how many queue) before being added to the queue.

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no i feel as if anybody whos willing to play anyroll at anytime for sheer joy of the game is more important than selfish players who ruin the community… yes i definitely feel that way.

Dps only players do not ruin the community.


But that is not your suggestion, your suggestion is to reward you for playing (non-DPS roles) by giving you priority over other players which means you are not willing to play any role any time.

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only if they are queued for all three rolls, not just for simply queeing any non dps roll…

a person must be queued for healer, tank and dps to get sent to priority queue. (in my opinion) and also complete a couple matches as tank/healer to get priority.

if you really think that is selfish, then im wasting my time here.

They are , they get added to the first match as whatever role is needed (so they get priority over those that choose only one role).


no because you can single queue and get insta filled as tank or healer about anytime.

even ur arguments are baseless… im done here. at the end of the day i guarantee my method would be superior, but i guess we can just keep riding the broken method down the mountain to ow2

Math disagree’s with you.


show me the math that disagrees please. i dont belive it exists and ur just saying random stuff to defend ur broken system that is already cleary broken

I can only imagine this being abused. Imagine people picking the other rolls and doing their best to “Soft throw” enough to make the match a steam roll. After all the faster it’s over the faster they get the role they want. If you could lose a match in under 5 minutes it would be faster than the current que times.

That said it’s a bad idea but I’ve had similar thoughts with back fill. If you are put into backfill of a match you should get priority que for the next game. It’s beyond insane imo to wait 5-10 minutes to get into a QP match and then be back filled int other last 30 second of a match.

Your reward? Like 300 xp and waiting another ten minutes.


Math is easy.
Player is 3rd in the DPS queue.
Other players that played tank or healer get pushed in front of them constantly so now they can’t play at all.
3rd player quits playing and new 3rd player in line takes his place and it repeats until they quit.
Game goes under due to lack of players.
We all stop playing.

As a tank main, I don’t deserve to screw over dps mains by cutting in line.


Nah, that does not solve the problem. That just let’s different people skip the queue. People want the queue reduced. Big difference.


thats the whole point of my system is to put dps only queuers to the back of the list. if they want to wait 30 minutes doing nothing in queue then so be it. meanwhile true gamers would just queue up for all three rolls and play whatever they get and if they get to play some dps more often because priority queue it would only serve a greater good.

blizz already said they have a system in place to detect throws, and maybe priority is rewarded to tanks / healers who win their matches… this method can be fine tuned and yes it would punish the selfish dps only queuers who want do do nothing other than dps and have never even played most tanks or healer rolls.