Flex players should get faster damage queues

I have an idea that if you play more than only damage then when you play 2 games of other roles you get a “fast track” token, which essentially puts you at top of queue.

How do you people STILL not understand how a Queue works?

You can’t magikazam more tank players into existence to give you a shorter que on DPS.

You don’t understand the concept or I need explain better?

I understand how a queue works in means you wait in a numerical order, so if you have a played 2 games as tank or support, you will get a token too put you at the the top of damage que and this improve the amount of tanks as it will give DMG players inventive too flex, so the can get a shorter queue time

I don’t think that would work, many would que as tank or support, not play properly and then rush off to top of DPS.

With so many doing it as well it not only would ruin other roles but would be back at square one since so many using tokens to be put at top of the que.

It wouldn’t be back to square one as the people getting tokens will be queueing tank and support also.

Its a great idea but Blizzard seems keen on screwing Flex players … for playing the game like it was intended.
I created a thread in that regard: