Flex or One-Trick?

I’m so with you. You can’t have a game designed around flexing and then not enforce flexing. We started out as allowing 6 heroes w/ no limits as a norm and slowly realizing that we HAVE to enforce things in a game like this.

One-Trick is better than Flex because:
Flex players keep trying to play a hero they arent good with only to be the filling “hero”. This usually resutls in terrible gameplay and teamwork. When you dont even know what you have to do, how do you want to work with your team? It’s easier to win with 6 DPS who know what to do than winning with 2-2-2 when the the Mercy keeps pocketing the Zarya that just bubbled the melee Pharah.

However, the best players are “mains”. When you are really good on one hero, decent on 2-3 others and being able to fill every role at least a little bit.
Those players arent in trouble when there is another player who mains you main and they can tell the team how to work with their heroes.

Specialization is for insects.

one-tricking a versatile hero is better, a hero that will allways kind of work in any situation as long as you get good with that character.

flexing will make you more well-rounded as a player but you won’t have the in-depth experience with any of them, you might be able to beat one-tricks with hard counters barely as a flex, but if it’s a versatile one trick hero it will be increasingly difficult to counter them as they know the counter match up better than you do and they are going to be much more comfortable with their hero than you ever will be.

if you can one-trick it’s better, but if you have no other choice but to flex, then you have no other choice.

for example if you one-trick reaper and you and your team is getting pummeled by a pharah you might have to switch out of necessity if you can’t or no one on your team can’t deal with her.
but for example you are still reaper and this pharah isn’t getting much value due to them not being able to play that hero well enough and you can just out value her because you are just out killing her then there’s no reason for you to switch.

that’s how i see it anyways.
(btw reaper is most likely not a versatile hero, it was merely an example.)

One-tricks shouldn’t even be a thing.

Now, mains, those are fine. It’s basically a one-trick that can and does play other heroes if the need arises. That’s a viable strategy.

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The game is designed with flexing in mind. However if you ever want to really become good at a hero or class you have to put time into them. That means playing them beyond when they’re an optimal pick.

Also known as One Tricking.

A game like Overwatch is complicated in the fact it allows you to flex but encourages and even rewards you for not doing so. In the end, no matter what anyone says, one tricking is the superior way of learning a hero and getting good at the game. You can flex and pick what your team wants or needs all day long but you’ll never truly be good at any one hero. Forever at the mercy of your team and their wants.

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Flex, nothing big ether, something like being able to play one hero from each role (dps/tank/support) will work, you don’t need to master half the roster or anything.

The game is designed to get use of all the heroes but it is not what most ppl consider fun.
However, there is a flaw in this deign considering the game punishes your ult charge when switching and doesn’t encourage switching in general.


One-trick, id rather someone play hero they are good at than play heroes that they will throw on.

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I kind do a mix? I play Bastion unless it straight up won’t work. After his buff that works more.

So. Much. This.

If you’re on a dps they don’t like, unless you’re getting quad kills every 30 seconds, “it’s not working.”

If you die once, “it’s not working.”

If they die once, “it’s not working.”

At the end of the day, the complainer is tilting themself and focusing too much on their “bad one trick teammate” and are contributing much more to the loss than anyone else.

Focus on your own performance and do not freaking tilt. This is ladder, not OWL. Anything works and let people pick their own damn hero. If they want to flex, great. If not, fine. They’ll perform best on their best hero.


Flex is optimal, but not everyone is able to play all roles as they don’t always suit their skills or playstyle. And if people want to one trick, you can’t stop them, just have to shrug your shoulders and deal with them.

I like one tricks more because I see bad flexers more (in plat and gold at least) than bad one tricks. Most of the time they say “I can play anything” and if you tell them to play Reinhardt they do bad. I just like people who can actually play the hero.
I sometimes play with a Genji one trick now and he’ll switch if he knows he’s doing nothing.
I have people in my game (usually people who say switch off sombra before game starts) who says “it’s not working” when I make one mistake. I go in and die ONE TIME “It isn’t working, switch off.” They die once? They say nothing.


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As a flex player, I don’t need a one trick. This game is not particularly difficult, and so someone who can flex onto whatever hero is needed guarantees that the roles and heroes get covered.

The one-trick, on the other hand, needs me. My flexibility and willingness to do what is in the best interest of the team enables their selfishness. They can insta-lock their Tracers and Genji and Torbjorns and whatnot because there are people like me who will say “fine, I’ll tank”, or “fine, I’ll play support”. Hence the rub.


U all know the answer.

Reality shows that one tricking is a real thing.

Flex for ( the best ) one hero for each classe.

Neither, it comes down to player preference, intent, and habits more than the game itself. You can climb as either.

Symbiotic infers that both sides benefit.
This is not true.
A team full of one-tricks means the composition is locked.
A team full of flex players means the composition is 100% open and can change.

A more apt comparison is that it’s a parasitic relationship.

Moreover, as a flex player, I, by far, prefer to be on a team with flex players.
I also don’t need a OTP in any situation. Any. OTP doesn’t mean a skilled player. It means an obstinate single-player in a team-based shooter.

Eh, if the first part is true, one-tricks do not need flex players as any average player could satisfy the team composition which implies that you need a certain composition in the first place. And no, that is not the case. I have one-tricked and did not need any inept support or tank. We might have lost quite a few of those matches where nobody flexed, but my personal performance was good enough that I could still feel great about the match. In other words, “need” is a strong word. Desired, perhaps. But to that end, I have seen plenty of tanks and supports who want to be hyper carried by the DPS which more or less indicates that you would need a one-trick. Just Saiyan, those are the harsh facts that nobody wants to admit to. If you bend over and tank for par DPS, you are wasting your time, but I love you for flexing and giving me those gold gun points. Thank you, honey bunny.