Flavor of the month Ana

which problem is that exactly? the fact that really there are only two good support choices not named lucio?

What… what even do you mean. Is your argument it isn’t OP that it doesn’t solo kill the whole team?
Nade is an enabler. When you hit 2 or more enemies with anti, it is almost an automatic win.

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Lemme break it down into layman’s terms.

Our skilless meta support does 65 piercing heals, with a few button presses and an ult that you generally aim.

Our skilful meta support does 70 unlimited range heals, wins teamfights and stops major ult combinations with a button press, as well as wins fights with her own ult.

The rest? Mercy just tickles people with heals, Bap can jump around a bit and throw out a short, weak bit of immortality to save a target, Brig does nothing, Zen does nothing, and Lucio holds SPEEEEEED.

That’s the support meta rn.

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Not at all. I’m glad I called out how dumb it was that ana eluded nerfs when bapt and Moira did.

Hopefully she will stay meta longer so I never have to hear the whining of how hard it is to make an work

She’s been doing fine in lower ranks for AGES. Shes been solid for AGES.

And she does NOT enable comps that people “like” on ladder.

Although, I do hope they don’t need anti which people seem to act like is some promised win ability .

It’s mass rez and immortality field all over again.
At least Baptiste never had a large playerbase so his players have less chance of proving themselves hypocritical.

Ideally and will just have an ammo or hps nerf akin to literally every other support

Moira is not OP, people just dislike how easy to get value out of her is, but the problem is her only value for the team is her healing and being able to make flankers retreat.

Ana in the other hand is full of utility, every single ability of her has utility for her team. Nade can burst heal everyone and increase the healing received while it counters all the enemy healing, she can sleep anyone meaning she can anulate game changing ultimates and her ultimate can save someone from death + making them extremely strong. There’s a reason why she’s a must pick.

That the support role has some of the most extreme differences in skill floor and ceiling. Moira arguably has the lowest skill floor in the game, meaning that she will always be the go-to support for the lower half of the playerbase (since she gets most value for the least effort). Similarly, Ana is arguably the support with the highest skill ceiling, meaning that good players can keep improving with her whereas most other supports are already stunted by their skill ceiling at a certain level of play.

Bonus points for Ana for having an unnecessarily bloated ability that has the monopoly on heal boost and antiheal in a heavy healing-centric game, but that’s a different issue.

Unfortunately those are far and few.

Ana could never compete with how “overpowered” Moira is, lets be real :joy:

and of course there is “Nerf” Ana, people see the statistics and immediately want x nerfed. I just would like to see her be picked for a ban… for once lol.

If Ana gets any sort of nerf I hope it’s like from 100% to 75% to her nade, I don’t really want them to touch anything else if they want to nerf her.

Honestly hero pools needs to go, just let us play who we want when we want.

I’m happy to keep calling them out on it lol.

Net nerfs to Moira would cause a backlash, and honestly we’d have a lot of Moira players on our teams. So turning her to trash would screw them over, too.

I want her reworked. Higher skill floor + higher skill ceiling.

lol, damn you took me spot after I basically quit the forums didn’t you, but do the opposite.

If Moira was so easy, then your own rank would not be full of them, they’d be much higher, ever thought of that?

Anyway, I’m not even going to argue it, I already know your bias opinions after being on these forums for nearly a year.

The problem is when people call for nerfs pretending she’s OP or implying she should be nerfed because “look at her pickrate!1!1!!!” otherwise it would be fine if people were like “I hate seeing Ana in every game” okay then.

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Well, long ago, people said they didn’t want to face Mercy because she undid their kills.

And later, people said they didn’t want to face Baptiste because he prevented their kills with IF.

And still later , people said they didn’t want to face Moira because she killed them.

So you get Ana. You’re always going to be facing some main healer, so deal with it!


Well, lets be honest. Mass rez was quite infuriating, use 3 ults to get the point, and mercy would be under the map and res them all.

Anyone who doesn’t see a problem with that was either a mercy player or didn’t play the game back then.

I used to be a Mercy player back then, but i wouldn’t be that type of mercy. I would heal my team, try to keep them alive as long as I could, as I felt it was not worth letting everyone die, and you know what? It worked out much better for me.

How else do you need me to say it? I think she’s easy to get value out of but that value has a cap because low skill ceiling, too, and I want both raised. That only carries you so high.

It’s like you’re PURPOSELY ignoring the second half of it over and over again. You think I just want her nerfed and that’s it, when I want her to also be given higher reward.

Also, I really hope you aren’t calling me biased when you’re…you know, you. Lmao.

Yes I am the most biased Moira player ever… are you kidding me? Are you really saying that?

(this was prior to sigma, at the time we did not know double shield was going to end up being a thing, but either way I was against those buffs for Moira)

Here is another one of me against Moira buff but asking what they will do (this was prior to Sigma release and 2-2-2 which is why I brought up the healing through shields “bug”)

and then here again.

IF you really believe I am a biased person then that is up to you, but I am far from it.

I only want Moira to be balanced, I don’t want her to be OP, I don’t want her to be UP either.

OP Moira means she will get trashed, look at Mercy for example, I don’t want Moira to be trash tier, she’s already garbage at my rank pretty much and gets countered big time by Ana.

Considering you IGNORE the things I literally write that contradict your claims and like to blanket me with the people who just want her net-nerfed…yes, I do think you are biased. Not blindly, thank God, but yes, I do think you’re biased, forum user named Moira.

To be honest, I can’t stand Ana. She’s in every single game and I’m so tired of being anti-naded or slept anytime I go to do anything. It’s very frustrating. And her hitbox is wonky.


I play Ana and I’m tired of her. :sweat: Any hero being a must-pick this long becomes infuriating to play against and as.

I purposely renamed myself to Moira upon first coming to the forums, my previous username was Squirtle. :smiling_imp: (which I named myself as a joke because Squirtles Water gun reminds me of Moira LMB)

I knew it would get me more noticed when I discussed Moira, I also knew it would get me called biased a lot though.

I wanted people to listen/read when I spoke about Moira, as it was (yes was) important to me at the time.

Yeah, to be fair I hated mass rez as much as anyone, lol.

I don’t know. I think my point was just that Ana is good because all the other main supports were methodically hammered down. Better to fix them than also ruin Ana, you know?