Flashpoint is the worst game I've played in Overwatch

As someone who doesnt mind push i hate this mode.

Spawning running forever just to get hit by some random Hanzo arrow and having to run again really makes me wanna leave the match, and im one who rarely leaves a match.

Who thought this was a good idea? running from spawn back to the fight is always the worst part of every match regardless of what mode. I dont wanna play a walking sim i wanna fight.

This mode in qp/comp will drive me more away from the game than any bad MM or Shop ever could.

Make it an permanent Arcade mode, make some changes to it each week and its fine but if i get it in qp i will leave, its the least fun mode ive played in ow. Id much rather play 10 defend matches in a row than 1 Flashpoint, and trust me, i hate defend.


I’ve played it once and I didn’t understand what was going on.

I’m not a fan of Flash Point either. It feels extremely disorganized, and its way too punishing to low mobility heroes.

  • You spend as much time walking as you do fighting on heroes that have no mobility… This is the second game mode in a row that is a walking simulator for at least half the Hero roster.

  • Normal payload, KOTH, and even the old 2 CP maps naturally funneled your team into regrouping. Flashpoint begs everyone to be staggered with the long run back and chaos strewn gigantic map.

  • The fighting itself feels extremely disorganized. OW2 is already more disorganized than OW1, with no real front line. Flash Point feels like I am playing a bad version of TF2.

Flash point is a neat idea that is basically worse KOTH when you get down to it. It doesn’t matter how big the map is if you’re only ever using a fifth of it at one time.


i don’t get why the devs continually fail to understand that players dont want to play commute simulator.


I love how the UI is pretty bad; it’s sometimes unclear there’s a new point and even when you’re aware, working out which direction it is, is difficult.

I dislike, but do find funny, the awkward situations where both teams are kind of near each other, but not really, while walking toward the next point.

Every game without fail, after winning a point, on the way to the next point, my team would find ourselves walking in front of the enemy’s spawn where they can freely shoot at us and we can’t do anything. Why is this even possible? How did it get past playtest/QA?

Other times, one teammate would often find themself respawning right before spawns changed, meaning they had either 100 m more or less distance to cover in order to reach the next point. They were often so far from the rest of the team that they either became isolated and killed, forcing the team to wait for them or the team would often be forced to 4v5. Again, playtesting/QA where?

I think the game mode is interesting and has potential, but it’s completely unfinished; as if they just threw together random rules once the maps were made and stuck to it without tuning the finer details in order to make sure it’s fun and balanced.

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If they had ways to get to the points much faster, such as closer spawn points, or teleporter-esque locations, the mode wouldn’t be that bad. Without them, I might as well be playing a jog simulator that also sometimes has gunplay if I’m lucky. My first game with the new mode was fine and somewhat fun, but the rest have been a damn slog. Big maps do not work for OW. Stop making big maps.

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Press F (Interact) to swap the spawn point if it just changed.

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The bigger question is - which mode will the community hate worse? Flashpoint or Push?

I don’t believe that applies to Flashpoint, and even if it does, it doens’t matter because it’s not even clear when spawns etc have changed half the time because of the terrible UI and general accessibilityfor the mode.

Flashpoint has a ton more flank routes and walking simulator, so probably that. But I’m biased because I actually like Push while hating two of its maps.

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This mode is boring to me, mainly because the map is too big for 5vs5. I’ve played it a few times, most of the time is going from point to point. This mode is just boring. The game feels even slower because of how big the map is.

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I really love this mode, i hope they don’t change it.

And let’s not forget those moments when you start walking to the point, and by the time u get there your entire team is dead. So you gotta stay on cover and wait for them to return, while the enemy team is on point chilling and emoting. There are so many blind times when we are either staying on point and waiting, or walking tot the point that this game it’s just… boring af.

I really hope they won’t put this in comp.


I want to know why the spawn rooms are so big, and why when you respawn they put you at the BACK of the room lol

“So how about we take king of the hill, but COPY paste the hills?!! GENIUS”. Yeah anyone that didn’t see this coming I feel sorry for you…not really.

After the spawn point is changed there is a mark on the map with the new spawn. The problem is that this maps are so cluttered with stuff that most of the players don’t see the mark. Not to mention the new point. Every time I have to ping it so my team knows that I am going there. The funniest thing is that most of the fights happen when the point changes so almost every time, 2 or 3 of my teammates continue to fight on the last point, while the rest of the team walks to the next one. It’s clear that 2 players can’t hold a point. I really believe this game is not suitable for 5 vs 5.

The game mode is fun. The maps are just terrible.

You’re not taking advantage of the open space. You don’t have to run straight to point. You can entirely flank the enemy team from any direction anywhere on the map

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I kind of like this new game mode.
But it is very obvious that ppl need to get a different mindset on these maps. Until then it will most likely be very frustrating for many.

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My biggest issue is match length. Having to play between 3-5 rounds takes way too long. Just reduce victory requirement to 2 rounds instead of 3 for unranked, so matches end in 2-3 rounds.

It took what I hate about push (match length) and made it worse. 13 minutes in one match feels absolutely terrible, but that is exactly what you get with this new mode if you can’t get a shutout victory.

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all it needs is some QoL changes honestly, if you wanna keep the spawn points then at least either do one of these

  • as time goes on, reduce the spawn time of teams from 10 seconds to whatever amount
  • when respawning, gain a 12% movement speed buff for 3 seconds

just one of those:

CTF should be in comp. its fun and would be better in comp