Flashpoint is the worst game I've played in Overwatch

It’s like 90% running, and 10% playing the actual game.

How could you possibly do a spawn point 140 meters away from the objective?

I’ve run 45 seconds after I spawned, then got killed by a random shot, then waited, then run another 45s…

It’s such a terrible experience, I just insta-leave when it pops up.


The couple times I’ve got it people are running sombra to ambush people coming back from spawn and I gotta say it’s … extremely not fun. There’s really far to run, easy to isolate people and … even if you drive her off, now I gotta go look for health before she finds me again.


It’s crazy to me how ctf was never put in comp for reasons like this and now…we’re just dumping in new game modes? That actively don’t make sense especially now with 5v5 and less focus on builders, etc.?

At least try them out first and tweak them a bit…push hasn’t received a single update since release!


It’s control and push combined into one horrible gamemode.


flashpoint is actually really cool IMO but unfortunately it was implemented too late and the current state of the game is too annoying to enjoy the new mode fully

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I find the distances in push much more annoying than in flashpoint. I also enjoy Koth maps. It’s alright.


I wonder when we get used tot eh maps if we’ll still hate it, i had fun on a couple yesterday but everyone was a lost as I was.

The map is too big for no reason. Could have re-used 2CP map and it’s better. More condensed so less time walking. These new game modes have been walking simulator and it is not fun.


i kinda like it

just wish it was 6v6


The game mode isn’t the problem, it’s the terrible, huge, maze like maps.


Do people know how to regroup anymore, like really are you just spillling in 1 at a time now.

In this case, if you know that sombra exists. pick a sombra counter. Otherwise just wait for your team to spawn leave with them.

you really can’t blame the game mode for your poor performance now. I had a doomfist that after being given three players worth of warnings not to go through a door. with the whole team spamming fall back.

Just for him to look at all of back at all off us, and go through the door anyway to get spammed by hindered/pin/hanzo arrows.

That was my first experience. with the mode. And I came to love it.

Like it feels like going on a campain mission as we all scramble to get to the objective, and have fights break out all over the place.

Their so much terrian and ways to approuch each room. It’s so outtheir and just cool.


Worst mode yet I absolutely hate it


M8 you have a pretty straight line to each objective from each objective.

Look for where the big point marker is. walk torwards it.

toda! your their now.


the distance from spawn to point is always short, it’s only between points that it’s long and those are some interesting and unpredictable fights (currently at least)
I actually really enjoy this mode


If I die… and my team is still guarding the point… and i have to run back… it sucks being ambushed by a perma spawncamp sombra. Is that specific enough for you coach?


Then your not going to have an issue just waiting a moment, or picking a hero that is strong against sombra.

your team is dealing with a 4v4 on point, you really don’t need to get back their that moment.

And you can switch back the moment the sombra is dead.

I tried.

I guess you’re just not hearing the part where it’s frustrating and unfun.

Next thing you’ll be telling me “but sombra is going to be reworked soon”.


I mean if you take a second to engage such with the knowledge that the sombra is their with tools that you know that are strong against sombra.

Then you can AVOID the frustration! If you know that the enemy has a sombra like at all. which the game directly tells you exists mid game. You can just prepare for this very interaction.

And get the jump on them! the moment the reveal themselves. Or attempts to hack you.

Her dps by it’s self isn’t that particularly good, and it’s on a spread weapon that needs to be practically point blank. All the while requiring set up in hack to actually do decent damage.

That will reveal her location, and waste time via the animation leaving stealth before she can shoot you.

Here’s the thing, I actually think it would be somewhat fun if it wasn’t Ram, sombra, Lucio every time I get it. Which obviously makes sense why but it’s getting boring very quickly

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I would like to provide context.

We won.

I dealt with the sombra fine.

It was still frustrating and unfun.

I play OW to play objectives and team fight. Not to 1v1 people playing ambush assassins.

I don’t need lessons on how to deal with it. My comment is saying that people are capitalizing on the fact that you have long paths back to the points and extreme time constraints to get back and it is annoying.