"flankers should counter healers"

All healers? Really???

Flankers used to counter AN ENTIRE HERO CATEGORY, which meant that if a healer found themselves getting curb stomped by Tracer/Genji there was nothing they could do about it.

If you’re getting hard-countered in a Reaper vs Pharah matchup, you don’t scream at your team to fix it. You don’t give up on your role and switch to a tank or healer. You switch to a hitscan to counter that Pharah. This is no different. Moira and Brigitte were created so that healer players could counter-pick like the game intended.

Edit: This is a public announcement. Flankers aren’t always necessary for a team comp. Their must-pick status has been revoked and they are now situational picks just like everyone else. Thank you for your time.


Keep them at bay like moira does i am absoletely fine with but outright killing a dps is wrong by any standard. Hell she even kills tanks so saying something is fine than is a very wrong and bold statement and you really should check the issue that people have.

We our team we are master level all play her in our team as OFFTANK what the actual hell how can you even defend this how do you sleep at night spouting this nonsense?


Flankers job is to pressure the squish back line. Usually Supports make up the squishy back lines.

Brigette is a support and she counters flankers. So it’s not universal cause she not a squishy back line target


Yes and no.
Yes because they should have an advantage over flankers
No because they can fight back, people don’t seem to realize this :confused:
Welp it’s too late now anyways with bridgitte and moira.

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What’s wrong with a non-dps hero killing a dps? Support players have been pissed with being a punching bag, and now that they finally have some agency they’re being told go sit in a corner and think about what they’ve done for daring to want to kill things in a first person shooter.


That logic is ridiculous. Even in real life situations, battle medics have weapons to defend themselves despite their primary job being to treat injured soldiers. No one is gonna let themselves be overtaken.


Lucio and Zen could always fight, Zen is such an efficient killer that the devs had to nerf his sniping ability. Mercy by definition is an agile punching bag.

When people say flankers counter healers it’s not because they can’t fight back or evade them, it’s because flankers were the only class who fight in the backline to kill the supports who are usually playing in relative safety behind their team.

Don’t try to scapegoat the real problems everyone has with Brigitte by trying to deflect why flankers were an actual support counter.


Yeah no. Being a punching bag sucks and blizzard did a bad by forcing that on support players for so long.

Now that there’s healers who aren’t punching bags for flankers, maybe it’s time to consider that not all team comps need a flanker. Just pick a different DPS.


What is the point of a DPS if the support can heal and kill the DPS.

That is the problem. DPS are focused to just do DPS and be very fragile so it very easy for support or tanks to simple be better DPS if they get too much damage.


Bro all healing in this game can be outdamaged with decent aim. Focus fire does even better.


Yes, because it’s only flankers who are complaining about the broken character that is Brigitte and not mains of virtually everyone in the game.


Most of this is just psychological. Birgitta isn’t that difficult to kill if you’re countering her.


So you’re saying supports aren’t allowed to kill anyone? Keep in mind, Zenyatta obliterates squishy offense characters with limited effort in most situations, so why are you magically glossing over him and claiming it’s a problem for Brigitte to be able to do it?


Flankers should get an opportunity to attack from a positional advantage, have high potential damage, and a decent way to escape. Heroes like Ana and Zen are hard countered because once you’re on top of them they die (unless they make a god like play).

Moira and Brigitte aren’t really counter picks as they work best if the team is built to synergise with them.

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Yeah Mercy 2.0 was also definitely psychological. People could click her head and Mccree/Soldier could just shoot her out the sky with their ults!


Cause he is squishy. He has lower healing (Not a main healer) and can do some DPS but he is also built like a DPS.

A couple of hits and there dead

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Doesn’t Reaper counter all tanks
no hate on Reaper


genji wasn’t even a must pick last season

Also supports were never hardcountered by flankers like people on this forum like to think. All supports have various methods to evade them, sustain themselves enough for the flankers to leave, or even combat them directly.


did you even try to read what i said i said she also kills tanks with ease if you use your stuns correctly which is not really hard. I don’t mind a support killing a flanker, i do mind if it is done effortlessly. Zenyatta requires a ton of gamesense and well aim to do that. Brigitte has ZERO risk doing that i picked her up for the first time and i was killing pretty much all character i faced in a 1v1 100 charge zarya even that is not healthy and she is very very easy to play so comparing with zen is really not hitting the mark dude.

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All wrong.

-She doesn’t kill tanks easily at all, and instead, requires her teammates to kill the tank when she creates an opening via shield bash.

-Tracer and Genji have such BS mobility, they often dance around any attempts for others to fight back, so it’s a good thing that Shield Bash is able to stop them in their tracks and then be followed up with a well-deserved mace to the face.

-I feel bad for the legitimately terrible people you played against if you were seriously capable of murdering an entire team as Brigitte. Really, they were either immensely terrible, or basically had no HP left by the time you got to them.

-The comparison is that Zenyatta can easily kill off enemies, and has the highest damage rate of any support character. People completely ignore this whenever they claim that supports shouldn’t be able to kill damage dealers that were meant to kill them.