Fixing Queue Times

In general with main tanks the emphasis is on strengthening their barriers/shields. I gave Reinhardt and Orisa an extra 50 armor, Winston 50 health, and Sigma 100 health and 50 shields to bring him up to par without nerfing his damage as I haven’t noticed it being oppressive. I didn’t think I needed to dramatically improve their “health”.


The side sections are intended to be perpendicular for Sombra protection as his shield is most vulnerable to her. Hell, you might even give him a top section too. I was just thinking about the movement speed and perhaps it’s best if when using his Rocket Hammer/left click his speed is reduced by 10%/brought back down to normal. This would have to be done in such a way as to not be exploitable with animations, perhaps some sort of cooldown is to be involved. I do like the idea of him moving a little faster when walking and when using his shield, which slows him down. I’m also going to shave 5 damage off of the Fire Strike buff.


Obviously her shield is buffed, and perhaps it would need to be buffed a little more. You’re underestimating changing the movement speed penalty when she’s firing from 30% to 10%. I even considered removing it entirely. From the go I gave her in the practice range her damage is scary. It seems like her spread has been tightened and she crits. She actually reminded me of Soldier 76. Given that she’ll be doing more shooting and is meant to have an effective barrier her damage absolutely needed to be nerfed. I improved her reload time, on the other hand. Also, this stuff was being posted before the recent nerfs to her, whatever they were. I certainly didn’t intend to weaken her Fortify and even considered improving her pull.


Winston may become tougher to kill but his damage is still low and if he’s disengaging he’s not pressuring. Keep in mind he can’t be paired with other shield tanks - only with D.Va, Hammond (whose role becomes interesting and he might need nerfs), Roadhog, and Zarya. The mini-stun is meant to make him more abusive and give him something to aim for. Perhaps its duration should be reduced to half a second.


If redeploying his barrier will block Reinhardt’s ult then the Kinetic Grasp change can be removed. Didn’t the redeployment itself have some sort of small delay of .25 seconds?


She might indeed have to be reworked, although not turned into a completely different hero. I’m not sure that she wouldn’t be able to get in a hack against Sigma given his shield is already likely to be deployed and the player would need a stunning reaction time but what she does to Lucio’s ult in this scheme is unacceptable. Perhaps what needs to be done is mitigate her effect on Lucio’s ult with her ult.


The duration of Valk is dramatically reduced and power is shifted to her healing. As a main support she needs to be able to compete with Lucio and Zenyatta ults, unless we go down the Ana route and try to figure out how main supports with crappy protective ults can be run solo. I don’t believe I was a fan of removing mass resurrection. OW developers have had a history of caving into weak feelings, take for instance changing KotH from Bo5 to Bo3 because players felt devastated losing in the most competitive experience. Something countering her ult to some extent isn’t the worst thing in the world. Ana counters Zen’s ult, Sombra to some extent Lucio’s. McCree counters Zen’s ult, Genji can kill through it apparently.


The second use of Soundwave is actually quite neat and significant. It improves Lucio’s mobility, especially vertically. He could keep up with dive comps. It would also make him more difficult to kill. You’re really underestimating its benefit to Lucio.

Zenyatta or Ana

Zenyatta doesn’t lose anything. Mind of Buddha allows him not to get massacred wherever he’s found, which is essential for him to be a main support. Unsure about the cooldown for it.

There’s no way Ana is an overall nerf. If you’re accurate it’s actually a rather scary buff.


I did a separate thread on this:

Mei is not getting touched. No timer on Bastion’s Sentry. Increasing his spread makes him more or less ineffective dealing damage to heroes at moderate to long ranges. This was a key and I find clever nerf to him I believe following the Pirate Ship stuff. He can indeed be very abusive, not just at low ranks, and increasing his spread as much as they did went a long way toward balancing him. What they also decided to do was remove his crits, which he is regaining. Here he gains effective use against heavy compositions that lack reach and try to fight up close - GOATS-like.

There’s nothing that makes Torb weaker, lol. He gets straight-up buffed. If the turret is too much of a problem perhaps the percentage based concept can be extended to his left click too, making him become some sort of big game hunter. I can incorporate this as an alternative. Not too big of a fan of his turret being so neglected but there’s another option. Junkrat’s buff was toned down to 30-50 more direct damage in whatever the short period of time since the projectile is fired is to be and 20-30 more splash damage. In essence, a lower end on the buffs, but the idea remains if you get too close to Junkrat and he hits you he’ll hurt you more.

Symmetra I left alone, just pointed out between her Teleporter with a hero like Bastion, the left click, and the turrets she could have her GOATS deterring uses.