Fixing Console Stats, What About PC Stats?

I see you pinned post for the following link. However, what about PC stats that may be affected by cross platform? I have over 300 games in Competitive and I show as having played 4 in total.

Addressing Career Profile Stats for Console Players


I would also like to contribute, I played a fair bit of OW(PC) off and on over the years and decided to use OW2 as a fresh start to get competitive but when I logged in on the same PC account id used, I kept my items but lost ALL of my stats I had 0 over all hours and none for heros while everyone else I knew kept theirs, I also still have my achievements and level the only thing I lost was stats.


I also need an answer to this, play a lot of comp, just assumed ranking up was hard or something… then I went 7-0 and didnt rank up so i checked my career stats all nothing besides 8 losses (may be only counting my losses) ive tried everything even unlinked my xbox account lol still nothing


I’d like to bring this back up as its still an issue. Its been a month and my stats are still mixed and impossible to use in any positive or meaningful way


Yea my stats dont record neither on pc i have 2 games played even though i have 150+ comp wins this season


I am also experiencing this issue. It says in season 0 I have 42 minutes of ranked played, but I maxed out the season pass to level 200 and mainly played comp. I hope this isn’t affecting my rank.

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this is also affecting me. my whole career profile is messed up just because I downloaded and signed into overwatch on my switch. I disconnected it from my account but it didn’t work. I would like to see an improvement on this issue.


im also affected by this! ever since i started playing on PC my stats stoped updating. frustrating. please fix!!!


I wasnt aware of the issues until I played 2 games today and went to check my career profile for my rankings. I cant see my competitive stats from OW1 anymore, and i know when i got on OW2 the frist time i checked and could see them. Now after i checked today ive lost about like 22 hours in lucio and I cant even check my history for the day/session, if i try it crashes my game. Full Stop. it start to switch and then freezes.

I dunno how this has become such a mess but I was always against the “2” in OW2, but now its cost my hours and time i spent into this game. How do you lost track of all those games. and if you didnt why are you removing them from the career profile.

also why is the career profile getting messier and messier. I understand theres a lot of gamemodes and times for each, but the fact that there were 3 seperate tracking of 3v3 elim cuz or like 3 other duplicated names with all seperate time tracking. I cant seem to see them anymore but the gamemode tracking is a mess.

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There are multiple Seasons/Categories in the drop down stats list with the same name (no way to identify OW1 or OW2) Can we finally get that cleaned up? You could add OW1 to their name.

I came here, because my stats on PC are also wrong besides the above confusing bug which is still present, in Tank Role Queue I just finished 5 wins and went from GOLD 5 before the match, to SILVER 5 after the match moving to SILVER 2. Clearly a monstrous bug that I assume will correct itself, otherwise ranked seems to present completely broken visible rank.

These issues should have been fixed in the first couple weeks of OW2 at the latest. A 7 year old competitive game needs an accurate Career Profile or you lose all of your esports/competitive community. Quality of life is insurance for any game, not cosmetics and micro-transactions.

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I can assure you, console stats for players, who also had pc account at least, have not been fixed.

All of my stats from Overwatch 1, which I played since launch, are gone and I doubt I’m ever getting them back.


Can confirm. Competitive career profiles have been completely broken for many players since launch which have yet to be fixed. For a company this large, this is a disgrace. Here is a link to my post in case you would like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Incorrect Competitive Career Statistics Page. Any help in spreading the word about this megathread would be greatly appreciated.

I played originally on PS4, now play on Series X and PC. My past stats show up from OW1 on the Xbox series X and PS4 and on PC. So im not having that issue.

None of my ranked matches from the Series X or PS4 are showing on the PC even though its the correct battle net account on all 3 platforms. It sucks because it wont let me play ranked on PC because it wont track how many ranked matches ive played , not only on other platforms but on PC as well…

So if i win a comp game on PC it doesn’t record the W… it also isnt recording any W’s i get in comp on series x on my PC (they are both the same battlenet account.)

Series X i have no issue… its recording my W’s in Comp… but its not carrying over to PC… even though its the same account.

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling on PC, didnt fix anything. I pretty much cant play competive on PC because it wont save my comp progress or read my progress from other platforms, so im forced to never actually have a rank on PC… or play with my friends who are ranked on PC… i wish the PC version could actually save my progress. i have no idea how to fix it.

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So I had this issue back in season 7 or 8 saying I played/ won “X” comp games. No matter how many games I won on any game mode it wouldn’t show on my profile and my hours would never change. I think on my profile for that season it still says I only put in 11 hours total… for the ENTIRE SEASON…. This is really sad to say/admit but I ONLY play Overwatch for at least 2 hours EVERYDAY. Then either season 8 or 9 I’m not sure if it was when the rank reset happened or not but that’s when it started to log my hours again because my PlayStation account says I have 1,600+ hours on OW2 but in game my profile says 1,100 hours and doesn’t go up yet AGAIN I literally looked at it a week ago and it said i played x amount of hours, won 144 games in open queue and it seemed accurate but then i was out of town and decided to play a game on my laptop and when i got home and looked at my profile it friggin did it again and says I’ve won 0 games in open queue for this current season…… side note “I’ve only been playing open queue” and since the last time I did this same kind of thing and had the same results I also noticed my lobbies went from pretty even match making to these God tier lobbies filled with ximmers. Does the defense matrix system think I’m ximming because I go from my console to my gaming laptop once in a blue moon to play a single match ? I’m not even ranked on pc because I rarely play on my laptop idk what to do and I never got a solution for this problem.