Nothing is fixed here. I will be playing some more Comp today and keep an eye on whether the % changes in the end. I thought the whole point of the new system was, that not only w/l matters, but that they also take your performance stats into consideration when it comes to ranking up. I’ve been Plat/Dia before this Bronze 5 nonsense. I’ve been playing OW1 since season 2 and never stopped. Even when I started and this was the first fps I ever picked up I was ranked at least into high Silver lmao this is just ridiculous. I wouldn’t mind as much as if my quality of games hadn’t dropped so much bc you are stuck in an elo where you clearly don’t belong.
I have gotten nothing but 71% since min value went away. My last set all 7 games 5 wins 2 losses were with a friend who was also in bronze at 71% but never had the minimum value. My kpd is 5.2… his is 2.1… we played the same 7 games together he raised to bronze 4. I’m moria… I legit had more kills less deaths and no one complains I’m not healing. I didn’t raise even a %. It’s entirely ridiculous they are letting this persist. I was stuck in bronze 5 at launch for months… And now again. They offer no compensation and when they “fix it” they just leave you to climb out only to … Rerank me into bronze 5 stuck again. And when I reached out to customer support because I payed to play this season. They basically said put it on the forums… The forums they don’t even acknowledge where you get trolled and told it’s skill. This game has taken a massive turn for the worse and is now unfun to play. The only reason I still do is it’s still new to my friend who is enjoying playing together.
I don’t know if any of you guys noted that some games are missing from your game reports. I’ve noticed at least one game missing from today. The Gibraltar one.
Also, with each placement im getting you’re better than 87% of your division.
That’s unfortunate. From yours and Gorgamite’s accounts, it does appear the Minimum Value bug wasn’t actually fixed but has just manifested in a different way. If anyone is able to, I’d encourage you to try tweeting at the Devs about this issue again, especially Morgan Maddren given the fact he’s the one who responded the first time. Let’s hope he does so again.
Blizzard actually removed performance based mmr adjustment in this blog post: Overwatch 2 Developer Blog: Explaining matchmaker goals and plans, part 2 - News - Overwatch.
Q: So you don’t take the number of eliminations, damage dealt, healing provided, or any other scoreboard stats to adjust my MMR after each match?
A: In Overwatch 2, your MMR adjustment after every match is not impacted by your performance in each match (regardless of your skill tier). This is for a few reasons. We don’t want players to be focused on doing things other than trying to focus on the objectives and win the match. Dealing the most damage or getting kills won’t help your team if your actions don’t help them push the payload or capture a control point. Also, for some heroes, especially those in the support role, it can be challenging to determine if the numbers they produce reflect their skill.
However, that doesn’t address the permanent Bronze 5 bug and that still very much needs to be addressed and fixed.
… what is this new system then even good for and how do you go up then a couple of ranks at once?? frustrating and still no difference on my end in regard to being stuck in bronze 5.
Agreed, all of this vagueness about the subdivision system is frustrating, and more importantly, by design. And it doesn’t look like the Devs are in any hurry to return to the SR system any time soon…
Nothing has been fixed
I’m bumping in this post to share my own experience :
It’s been at least 4 rank reset that I’m stuck in bronze 5 - every time the same pattern :
I’m on a 4 win streak, just killing everyone with a huge gap between my stats and the others stats - either playing DPS and having more than 40 kills every matches, with a pattern of either rolling the ennemy team or (more rarely) closer games with a bit of challenge and a bit less of a difference in stats.
And then, after winning all the games, all of a sudden : I loose every single matches, I’m getting rolled until I end up with a ratio -5-5 or 5-6…
So what the point in playing competitive? If the MMR is still bugged and the win/loose ratio is rigged?
Sure, I’ve stopped playing Overwatch for a while, but coming back to the game, liking it again and see that no matter my stats, I’m still stuck every single time?? And they are telling us the “looser queue isn’t real” ??
I’ve just win 5 in a row, alone, without any loss.
And I got…
Bronze 5 again
somthing the game doesnt tell you is that the old SR system exists in the back ground.
the reason that matters is because bronze in ow1 was about 1499~sr total, from 1 to 1499. but the divisions in ow2 only represent 100sr each SO bronze 5 is 1-1099.
so if your at 600sr and you win 5, you might be 700sr now but you are still bronze 5. bronze 4 starts at 1100sr.
there is no way to know what your hidden sr is exactly, you can only know what your rank icon is at.
(this technically exists in GM, because gm1 is 4400sr to 5000sr but top 500 atleast gives some idea for whose at the top)
I’m sure that components of the SR system is still being used as a framework for the subdivision system, but the issue is with rank adjustment not rank placement. Having a tangible numerical value and having it be updated after every game provides a level of clarity the subdivision system will never have. The problem these players describe is in the ambiguity of rank adjustment, which leads to the sentiment of unfairness. There are no shortage of horror stories regarding players who deranked despite going on winstreaks, as wins and losses are the only factors considered in rank adjustment following the Season 3 update, and vice versa.
technically what they are describing is “i won 5 but i still bronze 5 AAAA it still bugged” which i then explain why it happens.
i cant say weather or not people are deranking going 5-0 because its never happened to me. i do know that in season 3 when mmr/sr were seperated this could happen if you lost certain matches. but in season 4 the only time that could happen is if they hadnt done their first set of wins yet (and for some reason their shown rank was somehow lowered in the background by blizzard)
season 4 messed up peoples shown rank, for most people it deranked them but its possible it also raised it and something blizzard did in the background lowered the number to where it should be. but i would assume this isnt what people are claiming is happening because otherwise they’d be stupid.
according to blizzard this doesnt matter. your stats in game do not effect your sr/mmr gains, only wins do.
Agreed, assuming the subdivision truly is just a more hidden version of the SR system, it is entirely possible to remain in the same subdivision assuming the equivalent net SR change is below 100 SR. However, this is under the assumption that ranks are being adjusted at all, of which there have been several separate bugs in the past that prevented ranks from being adjusted. Given the ambiguity of the subdivision system compared to the SR system, it may very well be the case that these players are experiencing one of or a new manifestation of a rank adjustment bug, hence all the claims of an adjustment bug in his thread. You can read more about those in the posts listed in the megathread under the subcategory: Incorrect Rank Adjustment: The Competitive Bugs Megathread.
Thanks for catching that, I’ve updated my previous post to be a more accurate.
it was in season 1 for certain because people requested their data from blizzard to see what SR rank 1 was (at the time it was 5000, 2-3 people were capped).
to the best i can tell they basically took the SR system and rebuilt it in the new engine but decided to hide the SR so people would stop focusing on the number.
the funny part though is that players then focus on the icon and the update page and you get funny things like a 100sr player needing to win a bunch of games in a row to finally hit bronze 4 and being confused and calling the system broken.
which is why the 5-0 derank only makes sense if your background SR was lowered by something.
to be fair they did decay things at the start then reverse it and if you were there for the decay before they fixed it you had to play 5 games to see your “true” rank again.
but how someone would derank like that is beyond me and tbh part of me doesnt even believe it. id have to see a video of it happening to multiple people before id really believe it cuz thus far all ive seen were pictures of 5-0 and a rank and people going “SEE”.
actually heres a thought: there was or is a bug where if you disconnect from a match it does something that causes you to be able to climb even with a negative ratio. what if that bug is only temporary and it eventually catches up to people
so someone goes 5-12 but shoots from gold 5 to gold 1 then they go 5-0 later on and it drops em from gold 1 to gold 4 or something like that.
That is fascinating, I never even knew about that, but its good to have my suspicions finally confirmed.
That is also interesting, I haven’t been monitoring the bug forums too closely recently, so could you leave a link to one of those posts? If there truly is yet another rank adjustment bug, I’ll be sure to add it to the megathread as well.
took me a second to find this. the reason it didnt show up in the bug section is because people were talking about it in competitive.
this thread seems to be the one where ppl are asking questions BUT
this was posted on reddit around the same time and it has people talking about it more indepth.
i do think there was a bug report post but i never typed in that one so this is the best i could find for you.
Leave it to Blizzard to figure out a way to demote players who go on winstreaks and promote players for disconnecting from matches. I wish I were surprised. And thanks for your responses and for the link, which I’ve included to the megathread under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment.
For any other players in this thread who are experiencing rank adjustment issues, I’d highly encourage you to read through that megathread for solutions, or at the very least, to bump up posts related to your issue so that it can be more quickly resolved.
weirdest part to me is that they could be the exact same problem just opposite ends (one causes the other)
part of me wants to test it but the other part is too lazy to play like 20 matches on an alt
That sounds interesting, could you explain what you’re theorizing here?
Normally, I’m against the idea of smurfing on the basis of principle, and besides, I’m sure there’s a Dev or Devs currently testing this already as well. That being said, I am very curious about this bug, so if you do conduct this little experiment and happen to come across an interesting result, do feel free to let us know…