Fix your matchmaker or watch the game die

I had a list of around 18 people playing with me from season 1. Now it’s only 3 left. The teams you are forming for ranked are just absolutely horrendous.

Ok, I am the part of the problem, not my teammates. Then why don’t you rank me down? I am losing 7 games out of 10 and all of them are while being steamrolled with 0 resistance. And the 3 games that I win are all 2-1 100-99% wins with my a…ss bleeding of how much efforts I have to put to win. If I am so terrible at this game that I lose 7 out of 10, then just rank me down, no? Why are you torturing me?

Why can’t you just add 2 more ranks, and then stop rigging or manipulating the match outcomes? Games like LOL exist for so long because people belong. In my masters-diamonds games, I add people to friends and they are silvers and bronzes. How tf shroud gets a lucio that thinks shooting with lucio heals the target? Or how tf my silver friend gets a match with necros in a top500 lobby? What the hell is this? There is litereally 0 excuses to this. If you are above diamonds, start adding friends after each match, THEY ARE ALL SILVERS AND GOLDS AND BRONZES.

This is your last season to fix it, otherwise everyone is going to quit, and you can’t blame players anymore. You keep blaming us for being toxic, but you are creating atmosphere that causes all the toxicity. If you just don’t touch anything and let people to sit in their ranks naturally, things will be so much better. NATURALLY, blizzard, NOT WITH YOUR ALGORITHMS. My relationship with this game is becoming abusive. It’s like you love someone who constantly beats and gaslights you.



I think sometimes they really just think we are completely ignorant to how their equipment works.

I Think a good experiment would be to see if some group from a random match would be willing to join everyone in a custom lobby from the previous match (so all 10 players after the match concludes)

and go to a custom game server. Play the same map, same positions, But trade one player for the opposite team and see what results we get!

If a person takes the two worst performing players and swaps them. If it causes ‘win’ , then more than likely we will find out…

Another way, would be to take the two most “average” players from a team and trade them. Again. Its just testing. But it would be very educational to find out are these matches really THAT “rigged” or are players that bias towards hero picks causing these hard-losses.


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they are hiding ranks, deleting profile stats for this reason.

queue times are more important than balanced games.

you dont even need to add people, watch the replay … you can see the difference between a gold and a master player… its not rocket science.


Bro, there’s no way he said OW2 is beating him up and gaslighting him. This is how insane the world has become…Someone has gone on a game website forum and claimed that his gameplay experience left him feeling physically and mentally abused.

valid grievance. this is an immediate result of rigging matches. it creates an environment where players rather not player together, do to massive losing streaks caused by artificial outcomes. rigging and nerf fetishes, with any game, schedules it for extinction.


These devs managed to worsen the matchmaker this season. I just can’t believe how bad they are.


i think mcree still has remote access or something and is sabotaging the game

the devs can’t be this dumb. someone is sabotaging them

I am fine waiting 5 more minutes just to have better games.

The funniest thing is that this already happened in OW1. I don’t know why they think it will be different now.

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Nothing but one sided stomps again ALL week… even though according to them they’ve done TWO fixes in the past week. It’s always talk with them. The only thing they’ll ever fix is the skin shop if it stops working. That’s all they’re allowed to work on now, how to sell more skins.


I have no clue what fix they are talking about. I was deranked and I am losing 7 games out ot 10 in a lower rank than last season. Either the matchmaker got even more horrid, or it’s just me in one single day absolutely lost all my skill like a freaking amnesia. Even so, they don’t want to derank me. I am so sick of this.



I mean they do what killed Overwatch 1 and expect to not kill Overwatch 2, which is counter-intuitive. If you throw a glass from 34th floor, the result will always be the same, a broken glass. No matter how good you pack the glass, how many soft things you put around, it will always break. They do the same thing and expect a different result.

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TBH You aren’t crazy. :+1:

I literally cannot believe that I play “Decent” in a few lobbies of just QUICKPlay and suddenly I am being put into SWEAT lobbies LEFT and right.

I am NOT good at this game and the system thinks I should be playing with other players that are 10 times my rank. I remember being pulled into a High Diamond and masters lobby some time ago just in Quickplay and I mean I can play “fair” but honestly if people want to sweat and foam at the mouth playing Overwatch. They can have it. I wasn’t having fun and I’m sure they didn’t like me, just as much as I do NOT like playing with them.

Im just going to guess they are opening up the game’s match maker more and more, since the game is losing players.


This is why I rarely ever criticize underperforming players in my team, cuz it’s not their fault. I am sure they also don’t want to be here, and I am sure they are putting their best. Yesterday on a low masters lobby, our tank was a silver orisa. And he got 0/0/11 stats and we lost 0-2 with 0-100% on nepal. And he was honestly trying, listening to advice, following calls, but he is still silver. And the enemy noticing our weak spot, started to bait him and destroy him. I endorsed him and said that it’s okay, but other teammates kept attacking him for being “bad.” And if he rage quit after that and uninstall, who’s fault is it?


Please FIX the match maker.

Everyone in the lobby should be similar skill level.

How hard is that?


Or at least tank could be the highest rank, support the second, dps the lowest ranks. This will solve many Q time problems. But they will put grandmaster dps against a silver tank and a plat support, and then people will rage quit.

I think they’d accept that challenge.

oh ok, they werent worried about it till you whined about it. thank you for posting this, you really made a difference bro.

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being what though???

The game has been having great changes because of the community feedback, while consumers like you are only making excuses for them to be lazy. You enjoy eating s…it sandwich, then keep enjoying it, but don’t ever stop anyone speaking against it cuz nobody cares about opinions from cockroaches who adapt to literally everything.

Please rephrase your question.