Fix the matchmaking

MM needs rework to separate every brand new account from old accounts. A lot of brand new accounts are smurfs or boosters.

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I assume you mean for ranked?

If so, by then there are no “new” players in ranked. (Unless they’re mad and have bought a pre leveled account without ever playing the game… that would be funny to watch but it’s unlikely) .

With the minimal criterium yeah.

An alt account. They’ll be fine. Get through that in probably 60 games max.

A legit new player is going to be closer to, if not above 100 games. That’s more than enough time to find your level.

Remember. If they are clueless, they won’t stop you climbing. They’ll just potentially cost you a match. But if you’re wise to their “cluelessness” and an experienced player, you should be able to adapt to help them along a little.

I sometimes see people give advice and it sounds “sound”, and maybe true.

For example I posted something similar awhile back, people with lower play time should be grouped together against people of equal play time. Like entire lobbies should all have similar play time.

2 issues come up.

  1. The forum folks will make it as if it’s a you problem. But then you see a lot of people ask the same question / observation. So a lot of people are seeing the same issue. And it’s to a point it’s not about “rank” it’s about match quality. Hell if im a bronze player amongst people who play 1000 hours or more, but we all know the toons and we all know the match ups and the game rules… then so be it.

  2. The way this system is designed, sadly, everyone would gravitate towards gold on different play time levels. It’s adding a dimension to rank distribution of “play time” which would shrink all ranks as this system pulls people to the center. Imagine a graph of rank / population. But then it would be rank / population/ playtime.