Fix The Game Already

Nerf/Rework Bap
Rework Sigma
Maybe nerf Brig
Buff Lucio’s speed
Revert all the dps to what they were in 2017 (reintroduce buffs if necessary for example for heroes like reaper, etc)
Revert/rebuff the tanks to what they were in 2017

There you go. Game fixed.
It’s not that hard blizzard.

Really the game’s problems can be traced down to these three issues:

  1. Too much long ranged damage from the dps AS WELL AS THE TANKS AND SUPPORTS
  2. The combination of Orisa and Sigma (two deployable barriers) being too strong but the tank class as a whole being way too weak
  3. Too much CC

These are all fixable.

Aren’t we tired of double shield + immortality field + long range damage spam comps with 1000 cc abilities? come on, do better.


Well, I have absolutely no problem with that. I would really love to go back to September 2017 regarding Hero balance.

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they are working on ow2 then put a easy and hardcore patch.

1 remove the posibility to pick double main shield tanks.
2 remove pharhamercy
3 now nerf mccree, hanzo , echo, roadhog, soldier dmg.
4 revert bap ultimate.
5 nerf mercy pocket power.
6 nerf anti healing time
7 nerf bap healing and almost all healinig stack on the game.
8 put a system to remove cc stack. ( no one hero can get more than one cc on some seconds)
9 nerf zen dmg boosting
8 put some briggite experimental changes on the live server.
9 revert rein dmg

So revert the game to yet another point in time where the game was a mess balance wise and also dying?

I mean you can’t argue with that logic


lol?? was mess because double shield and goats exists… also massive healing and heros like briggite. nerfing everything and removing mechanics like double shield and pharahmercy. just will make the gameplay healthy and eaiser to balance…

with no doubler shield you dont needs massacre dmg like hanzo, mcree or roadhog. and with no pharhamercy you dont needs broken hitscans and proyectile heros can be viable.

also the dmg boost, cc and pocket are too strong.

Start or end of September? If I remember right, that was the and Mercy reworks

I too, want the game to be as boring and bland as possible.

I don’t care whether it is the beginning or the end of September.
on August 29 (?) Widow got the 8s Grapple which is the only important thing for me ^^

Nothing for Tracer, Echo, Hanzo, Cole or Soldier?

Ok I guess dps players can have their opinion about “balance” lol

PS: if we nerf supports, we should start with zen, then bap and that is it. Brig is strong only because zen and bap make so much dmg

I totally agree with this and I approve this message.

Apparently, we’re not tired of it because Lamp and Brig apologists want to get freelo off broken and busted mechanics and refuse to accept even a dose of reality. The lamp will always be broken, there is no place for it in OW and Brig has no place as a support, there are no amount of reworks or nerfs you can give Brig to make her work as a support. She needs to be dps or tank. But we aren’t ready for this conversation.

Reverting the DPS back to what they were in 2017 would be a massive nerf to all the heros you mentioned
Obviously OP isn’t biased towards the dps class

I agree with everything but i need to add one more thing. Remove 1shots as well. Maybe Hanzo headshot is kinda fair. And i dont know about Widow, i hate her.

I completely disagree. The game’s problems stem from more fundamental issues than hero design/balance. Hero design/balance is icing on the cake. We don’t have much of a table (servers, engine), we don’t have much of a cake (population, cleaned up ladder - no alts, resets, no rigging).

And u want icing and think the problems are icing?

I’ll take a table over cake over icing any day. Sad they thought ExC by and for the 1% would make it “fun again” and not realize lockdown system with bribed roles and queue times and alts and no-resets and ofc mmr rigging wouldn’t make the game “unfun for always”.

Fix the game from the ground-up not from the icing down.

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He is and if you can’t see it, that is just funny

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And how did that happen? How did OW lose so many players?
If you give any answer other than bad balancing you’re wrong simply put.

queues and bad matches

queues because 222 lockdown forces supply/demand mismatch just as 122 will (less to do about tanks and more to do about constraint satisfaction).
bad matches because alts, rigging, no resets, wrong servers.

no1 cares about fine-grained balance if they can’t even access the game.

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Can’t fix the game if you’re too busy sexually assaulting other employees kekwait


What you don’t like spending half the time in game waiting for a game? Just watch your favorite streame-

oh wait they’re waiting in 20 minute queues.


Reminder that you still haven’t fixed the game