Fix Symmetra blizzard

Not really. The largest problem Sym presented was exactly that. Too godly at low ranks, and unnecessarily difficult to play at high ranks.

She was given the Teleporter as an ability because the most effective use of her old TP was the attack backdoor Teleporter. Moving your team behind the enemy from spawn instantaneously was the birth of her TP ability simply due to how powerful it was.

It was also simpler for teammates to use while hard for Sym to pull off. Now it’s the reverse. Extremely easy for Sym to create the same effect while being painfully hard for teammates to apparently hit the interact button.

not really the old teleporter stayed up until it was destroyed or used all its charges the new disappear after few seconds

teleporter: reread everything i said

CD on sentries:
i recall a patch that changed it from 10 sec to 8 secs before the rework.
Idc about everything else, im just talking about the flat CD before and after rework.

It staying up past its initial purpose as an ult was detrimental to Sym. I wanted people to destroy it mainly because they were awful if they didn’t, but while it’s up it doesn’t have enough charges to be significant and the whole time it’s up Sym does nothing but feed healer ults.

On a cd, it’s only technically down for about 2-3 seconds unless it’s destroyed first.

Nope. Never left 10 seconds.

Her turrets now are too powerful to warrant a cd reduction. If you die throwing your last turret, by the time you respawn or get back to a fight, you have all 3 back.

sorry but ignoring that last part. Im only focused on the cd.

I recall a patch where they dropped her CD on her turrets. I know this was a thing. It dropped it by two SEC before rework.

But meh, w.e

Like i said i dont care about this.

This thread is about her Primary.

Low Gold into Plat (2042 - 2665). I haven’t played in 1.5 years before reinstalling so it’s not like I had practice either. Spent 2 QM games learning her kit and jumped straight in to Comp.

Her kit is actually a downgrade compared to 2.0. Is it good for this meta? I believe her kit hasn’t been good in any meta outside of beta. A hero can have a kit if it’s design right a.k.a Soldier 76.

The thing is when Symmetra got her rework which happen around June players were adjusting to it. It took sometime, but finally it results. The feedback was quite identical to those on the ptr and they were disappointed. Her rework had little positive feedback about certain utilities.

Perhaps because her kit isn’t damage worthy in the long run. Players play her, but most of her damage comes from utilities than main source. I think they need to create another category in the game called support and place certain heroes in them. In my opinion the best heroes for support should be Symmetra, Torbjorn, Sombra, Mei and possibly Zarya. Out of all the heroes in the game those specific three have unique kits and can be explored.

Going that route creates opportunities for new heroes.

I think when it comes to that statement I can only think of how effective is the hero. Zarya and Reinhardt seems to have more impact on the battleground than Symmetra. They maybe tanks, but their have more control where Symmetra effectiveness relies on her utilities. Her utilities tends to get shattered very easily leaving her defenseless on many accounts than other heroes. That’s why many players stay away from her until further tweaks.

Overall she needs help badly for a dps hero. Her status still remains as a troll pick until the developers finally stop with the breadcrumb buffs.

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Zarya got a pretty big buff which brought her back into the meta, and Rein was never out of it, he just wasnt as good as Winston.

Sym’s tickrate is unfair, and until this is addressed her primary will always be garbage in her new role as Tank buster.

TP is a positional tool unless you have the gift of foresight because you might have a TP up already and it still has 10 seconds cooldown but oh, now you’re being shot at by Pharah on one side and jumped on by Winston at another. You can’t place another for 6 more seconds.
Now you’re dead.

Off it allowed you to place when you wanted and cancel or place a new one at any point then yeah, you would be able to use it to anticipate incoming attacks. But 12 seconds in Overwatch is an age.

It’s not an escape.

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I really don’t think TP is the way to go, it’s way too much of a balancing liability.

Until S76 right-clicks and then your damage is on par again, except S76 does it in 2 seconds and Symm does it in 6.


I think the primary fire is fine now? Charging beam on smaller targets is also more viable… if anything I would like a tp buff to make it faster and more reliable…

The TP is certainly the problem, specifically the activation radius and the deploy time. Even if the the wonky Shadow Step targetting didnt get fixed, those 2 things would be life changing.

On another note. I did try the new primary last night but I haven’t a conclusion. Unfortunately I just got placed into roll after roll for the hour I played :stuck_out_tongue: I will say though it seems significantly faster, and were I not being shredded by >3 members of the enemy team at any given time, I could see some openings.

So Im going to reserve judgement until I can really get into it, but in all fairness, gotta admit, it did seem kinda nice.

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Wow, not only me who thinks this. I always thought in the back of my head they went lazy with her rework, Torb got a completely new move and improvements to all his aspects, hm not Symm tho she just got a good move converted into a bad move and likewise for her old tp. Old tp was second best to a mass rez, and shield gen provided more survivability to all heros. All her kit is slow and clunky, it’s so time consuming it literally kills you.

3.2 Seconds for a good Primary fire? 1 second charge and slow projectile speed for a secondary? Slow activating tp with timed to go back through? 30 seconds cooldown for all 3 turrets to re-spawn and yet they still die instantly? Wow her rework sure sounds amazing.

THE REWORK FAILED. Here is why, rework was suppose to make her able to be played more often in situation. She is STILL map reliant, EVEN MORE team reliant, EVEN MORE squishy due to loss of 2 mechanisms (Moving shield and Shield gen) and just made to counter tanks. The game needed something to fix the mass tanks problem so they just reworked Symm into the problem which only made her good against tanks and trash to literally everyone else.

The reason people don’t want her to be changed is 1, they are a tank main and only see her shred tanks. 2, they just don’t wanna be countered by her. 3, they don’t even play her to understand the problems. They should’ve worked her into an off support who could provide more shield like uses to support the team. Not some slow dps with a tank ult and support utility, what a messed up hero shes become.

At the rate Blizzard go for buffing her we ain’t gonna have a decent Symm till 2020.


You can’t ignore the fact that her tickrate is severely hindering her in her tank buster niche.

Unless you’re Blizzard, of course …

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It’s actually sad how lazy they went with her rework, they didn’t wanna make her anything new so they just convert good moves into terrible moves. Such as the tp, was second best to rez now a gate to death. Her rework just failed… it is actual sad how they ignore us, you see them reply to Mercy threads, Brig ones too but we are just blanked.

They might as well put her back as 2.0 if they can’t be fussed to make a decent 3.0.

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Honestly, what angers me the most is that i know there are VERY talent… Like extreme talented people who work with blizzard, but idk why blizzard is limiting them.

Well at least limited them with Sym’s rework design. They could easily create a unique and fun primary for Offensive sym. The easy bandage of giving her a zyra primary or void ray attack from starcraft really saddens me.

They would completely redesign Symmetra to be truly unique but it’s easier (see: cheaper) to stay within a familiar design philosophy.

What you said is very true and fair, but it sadly doesn’t make the scenario any better nor does it excuse them=/.

But i get what you said / understand you.