I play on console (PS5) and “ping - in world” is a bit janky. Whenever you click to ping enemies or objectives, if you move your reticle at all the ping wheel opens up instantly and accidental pings like fall back, countdown, going in, etc happen way too often. OW is an active game and you’re always moving your reticle to aim or look around. Even if you increase the press delay to max for ping wheel it’ll open instantly during this situation. Can you just remove it so that way ping wheel only opens with an actual hold.
I think it would be nice to have the option to put the ping wheel on a different button. Like, have one button for the contextual pings and another button for the ping wheel. If the ping wheel actually obeyed the hold duration, then you could set a really long hold time if you never wanted to use the contextual ping button for the ping wheel.