Fix Mei's ult already

Either she ults, or she doesn’t ult and doesn’t lose charge. It can literally mean win or lose in clutch moments and I’m not waiting out brigitte/mccree/hog stuns or random junk mines to not die before it actually works without losing the charge.

oh and on the topic of Mei, she doesn’t need her fall off damage removed
thought I’d lump that in here as well


If they changed that for her they would have to change it for every hero. Once you press Q the ult is being used, if it goes off or not, its still used. Was never a fan of this change when it happened, since it made many heroes ults a lot less reliable and easy to lose them, mainly mei, lucio, and rein have this issue.

let’s see what happens when her secondary fire changes, if that’s not enough to help her, then we can ask for this.

It’s really only Mei and Tracer (that I recall) that has projectile ults that dissapear on death. I think even Zarya’s gets deployed.

At the VERY least it should drop it at their feet, similar to Junkrat’s passive.


Maybe the only projectiles ones but many other heroes can be killed while casting their ult to lose it still. It feels bad but I guess it is what it is. It doesnt happen too often on tracer, still annoying when it does. Mei, lucio, rein, and then tracer prob lose it most often, had to look at a hero list :slight_smile:

I just think the time window in which her ult is canceled should be a little bit smaller… Sometimes i throw the ult, thinking its safe and its going through… but NOPE! A wild Brigitte appears!

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Yea its a long cast, at least you can block right after you throw it. And in the next patch it will charge much faster, so I guess at least there is that.

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It’s incredibly dumb. I also love the times where snowball is eaten by a random environmental structure and just doesn’t work. -_-

I don’t think she needs it COMPLETELY removed but tbh the fall-off being lessened was a good idea as it became really useless after a certain point. I feel like it’s in Mei’s best interest because in her own way she’s area denial and she should be able to keep people away from her more efficiently.

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no, it’s not being used. it’s being used up, pretty different imo.
and yeah, it’s poor coding, regardless of the hero. I just happen to play mei, but this shouldn’t happen to any hero.

in a game based around ult economy, going empty with nothing in return is just stupid. either return the ult charge, or let the ult go off through cc and death.

Is this on the PTR? Her ult charges faster? I haven’t heard anything about this.

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Mini-McCree Sniper Mei is probably the last change we’re going to get in a while. Personally, I think after that, she’ll be in a great place.

They’re probably not going to address the ult issue for consistency’s sake.

You are capable of dealing more damage in longer distances.

More damage == More ultimate charge.


This issue needs a fix, because an unreliable ultimate can mean win or loss. In the past she got a ultimate refund due to a bug that made her lose the ultimate when she died or got stunned, then with the ultimate global nerf she suffered a lot this problem, having one of most unreliable ultimates in the game.
The cast time should be reduced only to the moment when she has the drone in the hand, after that the ultimate should get activated even if the drone is in the air.

About the icicles i think it’s a pretty fair buff, and i explain the reason in this thread:
Also, more consistent damage = more ult charge

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No it doesn’t. All projectiles fall under the same issue.

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I’m ok if they fixe some bugs when they are here for 2 years now …
Lost an ultimate because of bugs and do nothing make me mad.

Its not poor coding, it is intentional. They changed it like 8 months ago or so, so that once you press Q, the ult is gone. If you get interrupted on the cast, you can lose it. They changed it to no longer refund some ult charge if u die quickly with it, and no longer be able to keep your ult if you die mid cast, like the mei situation. Like the change or not, it was intentional and working as intended.

There is a reason why they added falloff dmg to mei, she didnt always have it. I guess we will see how it turns out this time, wouldnt be surprised if it quickly gets reverted. Mei was pretty meta in season 2, since then the only real nerfs have been losing her ult, and ult taking longer to charge. Now the no falloff should make up for ult charge nerfs, and she has received buffs since being meta. The piercing slow, and her slow lasting longer on people, and 10 shots before reload up from 8. Individually mei should be the strongest she has ever been if this ptr hits live, stronger than when she was meta.

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intentional or not, ults should be reliable, idk how you can argue against that. if your sole argument is “its in the game so its working as intended” then by that logic every nerf and buff thread is invalid because hey, it is what it is.

I also don’t really care about considering the fall off damage removal because I think her secondary is fine as it is and I’m like 90% sure it will be reverted within a month. Bringing mei back to her current state, with the same unreliable sometimes gamebreaking ult.

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But the problem is one: Mei looks powerful on the paper, but pratically doesn’t perform as she should. In the live version she has one of the lowest DPS (90 DPS), due to unreliable damage. She got the falloff in beta because devs wanted her more as an hybrid dps/tank, now she’s a damage hero, so the has the right to have a more consistent damage output. In S2 Mei was considered a niche pick but viable, then after the ultimate charge nerf (because she got the ultimate pretty often) she didn’t got any compensation, then a series of indirect nerfs and metas that didn’t favoured her. Only now devs are starting to looking at her and giving her a bit of attentions. Also still the problem of the ultimate and of the cryofreeze favoring the shooter
Also if we add

is D.Va eating your ults benji?