Fix Mei “Pajama” Skin Please

Mei Pajama Skin is my favorite so far. But there’s something bothering me a bit the way she is adjusted into the outfit.


Looks like her back is broken, they should change it. Love the skin because I get to shoot tea at people.


The two biggest issues I see people have with the skin is her back being completely broken and also her gloves being sorta out of place.

On her gloves, people use the argument that she needs something to protect her hands from her gun from being so cold but she has a skins that proves this wrong which is her lunar new year skins (also sense when did we bring logic into fps games?).


I think the reasoning for the gloves was to help maintain her silhouette.


It’s the same with her other skins, like the new year ones. Her rear goes out at a right angle. It just looks buggy and weird.

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I don’t think Blizzard cares even a little bit about hero silhouettes by this point. Mei skeleton simply isn’t suitable for normal hands. Check out scary looking “hands” in various poses with Mei’s Chinese skins. They need to keep Mei dressed up and wearing these mittens skeleton was designed for.

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Does Mei have scoliosis? She’s giving widow a run for her money.


She’s got a pelvic misalignment. Pretty common issue with a lot of people. Blizzard is just trying to bring awareness so people can learn better posture.


I’m just upset that the skin doesn’t show off her butt as much as her other skins, it is TF2 with butts after all.

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Lol! Well it’s important to be inclusive :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah but the chinese new year didn’t need that and I never even noticed her silhouette change in any way. I think Blizzard are over thinking things.

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Could it be the reason she’s has her gloves on cuz she was making tea. Look at her little sidekick Snowball, he’s a tea pot… It’s scary knowing Mei is in her PJS drinking tea while freezing the enemy team.

A fixed version of this skin is currently on the PTR.


(I cannot post a normal link on mobile, forgive me)


Her CNY skins have large sleeves, which create a similar look for her silhouette.

That could very well be. I just would like seeing her hands more :slight_smile:

Vietnam flasbacks from her waist controversary

I gotchu fam.

I’m not good at spotting differences, though. What’s changed? V:


Her spine is nowhere near as curved and they smoothed out her ‘paunch,’ effectively making her stand up straight and appear slimmer.

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The real problem they have is they designed Mei as a skinny character who wears thick clothes so looks bigger untill her Luna skins caused that whole issue about body positivity so were changed. The result is a hero whose anatomy changes depending on what skin is used and also doesn’t quite work with her being both skinny and plump at the same time in a way that doesn’t quite make sense. Rather than give her a more representative body the Luna skins scandal actually gave her a impossible body. Think of a Rein skin without the armor, that is a body that doesn’t make any logical sense and there is no way you could make that skin work. Mei has a lesser version of that issue and it comes across in her pajama skin.

This isn’t to try and shame any body types by the way, The reason Mei’s body doesn’t make sense isn’t because shes a particular body type, its because her body type changed leading to consistency problems, so to keep her outline making sense her body both has to change between skins and be shaped around in ways that don’t represent a real body, tbh they did quite a good job balancing these issues and I can’t really see them doing a better job.

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Spotting the difference between white shirts on a white background (her left arm) is a bit difficult…^^