Fix how Reaper counters

Alright, I don’t think he’s broken or anything, but I do think the way he counters is bullcrap. I played with a high ranked diamond not long ago and asked how to counter Reaper as a tank. He pretty much said that even in his rank, Reaper is an issue. But the thing is, he counters half the tanks in the game. There’s already a small selection, yet he counters Dva, Winston, Reindhart and Roadhog. The only tank he doesn’t counter is Zarya.

So all I’m saying is, I think they should change how he functions. He shouldn’t just completely destroy half the tanks in the game. There are already only 8 tanks and he counters HALF of them. I wish I was exaggerating when I say that, but HALF is completely and utterly accurate.


Reaper does not counter all these tanks at all winston/rein yes he is good vs but DVA hard counters reaper even his ultimate.

Roadhog its all about cooldown management if you land the hook you win zarya is a 50-50 if you are high charge she is very strong vs reaper if not she will melt you.

Reaper is bad vs ball because he can never finish him off sigma because again sigma can eat his ultimate and rock it reaper is pretty bad atm i would have agreed before when his self heal was op but now you can kill a reaper with any tank if you have a team to follow up and in 1v1 zarya/hog can beat him in good conditions.

But let me ask you something how am i as a hitscan player supposed to beat a orisa/sigma/hog/ball in a 1v1 with the giant health pool? its a team game things are meant to counter just like reaper can keep tanks in check tanks keep hitscans in check by been able to flank on sigma and 1v1 90% of the dps roster.


Reaper doesnt counter roadhog, actualy roadhog counter reaper.

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Neither counters the other. If hog lands his hook, he’ll almost certainly beat reaper, but if he misses, reaper absolutely beats him. It’s the very definition of a skill matchup.


Dude, without the vortex, he crushes her. Yeah, she can stop that ult, but she doesn’t just outright stop him. One shot from reaper and he’s back at full health.

I’ll give you the Roadhog one. If he hooks, it’ll end him. But not all the time. He can shift out of the situation and if Reaper gets back in, he wins that fight. Overall though, Reaper does defeat most of the tanks easily enough.

I don’t think Reaper counters DVa and is really like someone to explain why he would be a DVa counter.

D-Matrix pretty much renders his offense useless.

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your not supposed to kill him your team is the defence matrix makes him useless for 2 seconds for someone else to deal with him


I don’t know man… I feel like Dva’s not that great overall. There are characters that can do what she does, but better. Not only that, but flat out kill. Either way, being a tank role is a nightmare in this game and Reaper only makes it infinitely harder cause I can at least have a chance to win a fight with certain tanks compared to others. Even if Dva’s a tank role, she’s still an off tank and that usually means that they’re suppose to help kill while also defending and she’s crap at both.

As for Winston, he at least does some good damage. He has less mobility in some ways, but can at least shield better than her in some ways and does good damage. And as for Roadhog? He’s practically a full tank under most circumstances and a full damage dealer. Up close, he does REALLY good damage, he can bodyblock damage and laugh it off like it’s a car scratch, and even snipe people with decent damage. His ranged click is better than the Micro missiles. That thing with an 8 second cooldown.

Its a l2p issue then dva is perfect at her job

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I’ve played her for 4K hours man. I play Guilty Gear professionally at a high level with one of the crappiest characters and LEARNED. I’m not gonna hear that damned excuse. I matrix him, my team does nothing, then what? I’m screwed. I might as well have just picked Sigma cause at least then I could’ve dealed with him myself. Even REIN has a better time dealing with him overall and he’s a main tank.

No fix borb meta, it’s too frustrating

i dont care what other game you play at pro level if i play hearthstone at a pro level it does not mean im good at team shooters it does not matter how many hours you put into it if you refuse to learn dva is not made to kill dps she is there to eat ultimates get good and stop with the ego no1 cares what you did on a fighting game that brings nothing to this type of game.

Yes play sigma then because sigma is meta and maybe one day you can be at a rank that people will actually work as a team or better yet join a scrim team and when dva comes back into meta with no changes come back here and tell me how useless she is.

Playing comp for 4k hours is nothing if you are playing with gold players everyday you need to improve and look at what happens at the top level not in your gold games.

Could be many things you are into fighting games etc maybe you are too old and reactions are too slow to play shooter games now time is not practice and just playing wont make perfect you are either good at shooters or not good its simple these games have nothing in common at all.

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Its a skill-based matchup. If you dodge hook as Reaper, you win. If not, you lose.

As for OP, tanks that counter reaper? None really. Tanks that do well vs Reaper? Ball Zarya Dva Sigma.

This right here. D Matrix for peel is huge.


Low key doesn’t sound like that guy was high Diamond…

I feel like both could be argued simply because of the skilled matchup. I think it slightly favors Reaper as long as he tries…

You dont even need to try and counter Reaper that hard, just watch flanks, any hitscan player with even Silver aim can control a Reaper at distance, after playing hundreds of hours on Reaper, I hate running into McCree, Soldier, Doomfist/Torb (if hes aware of you), Ashe with coach gun, Genji with deflect, Mei with ice block and wall (if needed), Echo/Phara can just fly away, Tracer can recall and down him (Tracers fall-off isnt nearly as extreme as Reapers) Sym can melt him after cds, Hanzo is just Hanzo… See where this is going? Ana can sleep him, Lucio wallrides and Reaper cant touch him, Mercy flies away, Zen 3 shots him with discord.

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are you from an alternate universe where hammond doesn’t exist?

Welp, there’s your problem. Trying to counter Reaper as a tank is like trying to counter Roadhog as a support. You can’t. It’s someone else’s job. Let them do it.


What has hammond to do with anything i just said

replied to the wrong person, kill me

Good to know. Will be updating the reaper script tonight so my bots can out-bot those hogs. When skill is like 3 lines of workshop lmao.