Fix being put on wrong server

Hi I’m from Australia, which is part of the America region. What this also means is that often enough I’ll be matched with pse1 or even lax1 instead of syd2. It’s quite frustrating going into a game with 150+ ping even more so when it is a comp game.

This is happening away too often. I would like this fixed or at least allow to force only syd2 matches even if this means I would have a longer wait time.

Hey Wattleninja,

There is already an active thread that is covering this. Please keep in touch with this thread here. AUS/NZ connecting to PSE1/LAX1.

They will update when they possibly can.

Wanting to revive this because it has been happening again a bit too frequently and is as mentioned especially annoying when it’s a competitive game.

Please allow us to lock what server we can connect to even if it means longer waits. It is especially frustrating to end up on the “wrong” server.

The linked threads are marked as closed and aren’t helpful

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