FIVE leavers today in competitive

done like 9 games 5 of em have had leavers on my team. I mean really?


no real punishment for leaving really


As the community would say “it’s your fault” “look at your gameplay and see what u did wrong” “maybe you’re the reason for the loss and ppl left because of you” since I’ve complained about the same thing and have been told those exact things :roll_eyes:


This. Get a season ban? Just hop on your alt/smurf account!

Buuut to comment on KaoticMonkey, the fact that there’s so many leavers means enemy has them too sometimes :smirk: Claiming to have a troll/leaver on your team every game is the sad excuse for not climbing. Happens in all ranks yet people still rank up, but it must mean they never get leavers/trolls right… :thinking:

There’s a fine line between aknowledging leavers/trolls, and blaming everything on them. No one sane would say ‘‘just git gud’’ when commenting on a singular leaver game. When you understand the difference you’ll probably understand why climbing happens because of improving your own gameplay, not because of winning a 5v6 match.

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Honestly I dont care about my sr anymore or climbing. I just want good fun games again. Not a sea of leavers on either side and not lopsided wins or losses which I have had an abundance of lately. The skill variance on the ladder lately also has been quite disturbing to say the least. It’s always been an issue but its more so nowd ays

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Yup and they’d be correct. Unlucky but like aspects of life, control what you can control and that’s yourself.

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sad thing is I have gotten leavers during either winning games or games that we could easily have turned around.

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Care to add how many leavers were on the enemy team out lf your 9 games?

cant recall to be honest with you and even if there were 4 on the enemy team that would just illustrate my point that leavers are a big problem. I dont wnat them on my team and I dont want free wins from enemy trolls.

Again I just want good balanced games where both teams can feel like they had a shot at winning. Not these consistent curbstompings one way or another. That is ALL I am asking for.

yep because some view team comp and leave to throw
or leave because they don’t like the hero selection

it’s really a shame

zero accountability except for when you ask others to switch then it’s a witchhunt to shame you and call u toxic

Maybe you should stop trying to pimp your team for the enemy and they’d stop leaving?

There’s an easy solution to leavers in Competitive that already exists in other game modes - backfill.

Blizzard need to implement this ASAP.

That idea sounds stupid. So someone comes into a losing game or they get kicked because the person that left wanted to come back or if someone got DCd towards the end and can’t get back in time someone else just get the free SR? Doesn’t seem fair either way

Do you have anything kind of proof?

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