First time playing any shooter. Best advice?

Hello everyone!
I am very, VERY new to any and all PC games aside from dabbling a little in WoW and I want Overwatch to be my first shooter.
I was hoping people might share a little advice with me even on the basic. Explain like I am five.
Thank you!:grinning:

First things first, disable your mouse acceleration. Building muscle memory and creating consistency is absolutely key in order to formulate a base to build overall player skill. Afterward I recommend you pop into the practice range and fiddle with your sensitivity until you find something comfortable. There are plenty of tutorials online on the former (disabling mouse acceleration) based on your operating system.

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Mouse sensitivity is important and yours is probably too high. I’d start with 5 in game and 800 dpi in your mouse. And get a big mousepad.

Sensitivity tends to be unique from player to player and should be extensively tested.

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Make sure to take quick glances around you from time to time and try not to stay too focused on a single part of your screen. It’s how the flankers get ya.


Turn off mouse acceleration, and find out what your preferred sensitivity is. Dance around the practice range until you find something you like.

Heroes like Soldier or Mercy are good starters.

Agreed, but you want to at least start in the ballpark. Someone who has a 4000 dpi mouse and 10 sens in game might wonder why their aim sucks so bad.

Dont get overwhelmed by all the dpi and sensitivity stuff everyone is spouting. If this truly is your first shooter.

You can play with a 15 year old 2 button laser mouse to success.

That said.

Play with default for awhile and figure out what you dont like about it. Then do some research into what needs changed to accommodate your tastes. Sensitivity is highly personal. So take what other people advise with a very large grain of salt.

I would reccomend learning to play the tanks and supports. They are always in short supply. Pick whichever hero looks fancy to you and just play it. You’ll quickly determine if you enjoy what it is capable of.

The internet floweth over with wikis and guides and such. I recommend written over video. Videos are made for views over information. 90% of them are clickbait nonsense. Find a good write up and you’re gravy. Sadly the forums are not the place to find that info readily.

Also dont fall prey to the rampant elitism this game seems to propagate. Just do you. You wanna play vs ai for awhile? Do it. You wanna play arcade or quickplay? Do it. Whatever hero you want at whatever pace you’re comfortable with. People can be turds. But only if you let them. Voice chat is a coin toss of usefulness.

Most importantly have fun. If you arent doing that, what is the point eh?


Hey man, welcome to the game! Overwatch was my Wife’s first shooter too, first videogame other than the sims actually, so I get where you’re coming from.

Best be aware that some folks are not nice - try not to take it to heart. You’ll run into them, but you can ignore them or mute them if they’re too obnoxious. You hit the ‘P’ button to bring up the sound screen that lets you turn on and off microphones and sound.

Second, I’d play against AI mode for a good long while until you feel like you have a character ‘down’ - as in, you know what all the buttons do when you hit them and have killed some people in exciting and fun ways that make you feel like you know what you’re doing.

Quickplay should be largely players who are at your ‘level’, but sometimes it takes a few matches for the game to figure out your level. Sometimes you will be matched with people who made new accounts who know what they’re doing. These are usually called Smurfs and you should just try and ignore them. If you feel like you absolutely can’t win a game, just focus on something you can improve yourself; your aim, your map knowledge, your timing etc.

Lastly, go and learn where the health packs are! They are great and a lot of players don’t realize there are so many over the maps. Best of luck!

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Don’t get shot at…

Just click the heads 4head

Being slow is a big no no. Don’t stand still, don’t move to a point on your screen at the speed of a turtle, don’t hesitate. Always be looking around. Information is power

If you do not want to use super low sens and a HUGE mouse pad, mouse surface is more important then anything. using a slippery mouse pad the only way to get decent acc is to use a really low sens. IF you use a cloth or better a rubber mouse pad you can use a much MUCH higher sens, Alot of people do not understand this and simply spout about LOW sens being the end all. I play with 7-9k dpi and 7 ingame, have about 40% acc on just about everyone.

Overwatch is honestly a bad place to start and could very well kill your fledgling interest in the genre.

This! A lot of THIS! Play vs AI to enjoy the heroes. Comp has alot to it thats not just mechanical skill and if you dont know it, the toxic response is insane in this game. If you just want to play the game and have fun, Ignore all competitive all together and play vs AI and fun Arcade modes.

I was thinking more along the lines of how absurdly punishing this game can be with all of the one shots and how less then perfect is so often not good enough.

Ooo didnt think of that, tho its yet another thing that isn’t in vs AI that you can enjoy the game without, lol.

turn off your mouse acceleration in windows mouse settings
use headphones they make a big difference in FPS games
trust me forcing yourself to use something that you are not comfortable with could ruin the experience for you so don’t really care about what people say about your sens

play whatever gamemode you like but i wouldn’t get in comp without learning all the heroes and abilities
if you got exhausted by playing so many quick matches and stuff you might go and try custom games they are silly fun
go kill a rein boss or somethin

try all the heroes atleast once
try all the roles atleast 10 matches or so because every role have quite a unique playstyle and understanding them will help you in general and some of them become way more fun after understanding them espacially tanking(imo)
Oh and don’t main she is mine


It is important to have low expectations on skill and high expectations on fun.

For the first 50 - 100 hours just play to have fun and learn from your mistakes. Don’t feel bad when people make fun of you or yell at you. Just report them.

Try every hero for 5 - 10 hours each so you get a feel for them. Pick your favorite 3 and then try and improve upon them.

Once you feel fairly confident with a hero jump into competitive mode.

Don’t use voice chat if the thought of people saying nasty words to you is likely to upset you.

The fact that you’d make a thread like this to begin with would suggest you might fall at least somewhat into that category.

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