First time I meet someone

On the forums in game and it’s a god damn doom player!

GG tho.




Prolly just a coincidence…


Ggs Ayanga :+1:



I saw a certain Reaper main in a custom game lobby once, somewhat recently. It was kind of a jumpscare. :laughing: I’ve not seen anyone else before or since.

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Wicked! I think I had a Buddha sighting last night on Classic…

(It’s an Xbox media link, it links to the image I screenshotted.)

Honestly would make me hella happy to see more of us in the wild, but hey… I get what I can get.

I was a little unsure it was the Ayanga to start…

Then they selected Weaver and I was like WELP here we go :laughing: :+1:

(Was assuming either a Bap or LW selection if it was really them)


Maybe one of these days I’ll see the real ReadmeDry… Tbh that would be freaking hilarious.


Autocorrect hates my screenname :laughing:

Also, if that red guy doesnt carry, it wasnt me :rofl:


You saw how good my Weaver was to Not gonna bring up how you were 0 and 3 the majority of round 1 but everyone did good I would of let you hear my voice to if I had been in coms that game sometimes I join VC in qp if I get the feeling to.

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No, that’s just how I read it and then choose to remain as saying it. I think a while back on one of those 'whos your favorite Forumer" threads, we had a laugh about this…

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We can critique each others play if you wish, if youre gonna cross out text lines like youre being coy.

Suffisive to say, their team comp made sense, ours didnt, and after round 1, theyre tank swapped to counter me and one of their supports left.

So. Point to the scoreboard all you want bruh. Till next time :saluting_face:

I was joking! Damn man

Also they played Torb into me that’s why they got annihilated.