First steps for Martian Kind – A Look at Juno’s Development

First steps for Martian Kind – A Look at Juno’s Development

Glide into Juno’s backstory in an out-of-this-world look at her early development.

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Juno is definitely an interesting hero!

I’d love to know if there are any plans to add mouse and keyboard support natively to console because I think it was stated previously that this was being looked into?



how about we look at the percentage of accounts that trigger a VAC detection. Together.

The main reason why very few people reply to this is no single player at all. Imagine if the same amazing hero was placed in a different game with the waifu or husbando label. Chances are, they’d get a lot more fans and fame.

Have you ever wondered why certain characters in video games capture our hearts so completely? It’s not just their design; it’s a complex mix of psychology and the familiar patterns we’ve learned to love. Our past experiences with characters set the stage for what we expect from future game heroes.

This phenomenon is rooted in a psychological concept known as ‘cognitive scripts,’ where our previous experiences shape our future expectations. When we play games and become attached to certain character archetypes, we subconsciously develop a script for what a memorable and engaging character should be like. This script includes certain traits, behaviors, and roles that characters typically embody.

For instance, if we’ve repeatedly seen ‘the savior’ character in games—someone who is strong, self-sacrificing, and always ready to protect others—we might develop an expectation. When a character diverges from this script, it can feel unexpected or even silent disappointment in the game. This is why a game with a fresh take or an unconventional character mix might struggle to gain character popularity, even if they’re exceptionally well-crafted.

Moreover, the ‘mere exposure effect’ plays a role here. We tend to prefer things simply because we are familiar with them. If a character design or personality resonates with us, we’re likely to seek out similar types in future games. This is the reason why waifu and husbando games often become the center of attention—they tap into these familiar preferences, reinforcing our mental scripts and making them popular by default.

In essence, our past experiences with characters aren’t just memories; they’re blueprints for what we anticipate in the future.

Can we get her original design as an alternate skin sometime? Or any new skins for her

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And STARVE the poor Kiriko and Rein mains? You Juno and Venture players are so greedy!

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Give them time, the hero was just released!

Fun stuff

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Released with nothing but base skin recolors. Never been done before, at least Mauga had a battlepass skin and his Magma skin, Venture had Ice cream for some reason and the twitch recolor skin. Juno has nothing.

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Remember when heroes were released with recolors and two unique skins, both with 2 different color variations?

Good times.


maybe its me an maybe its alot of stuff i dont see. but i dont get why overwatch an all the issues its had keeps getting support, vs heros of the storm got shut down damn near on launch even with its 10 year coming up 0 word on anything. figured a rework or something for controllers would happen like diablo got but nothing over the years an it honestly makes no sense to me.

I love to see this kinda stuff. Thanks for sharing! :heart: