What’s you First legendary from ANNIVERSARY Loot Box this year?
I got my first every double with two epics
sentai and oasis
genji and sym
How? the event is not even on.
maybe not in your/my time zone
The event is out early!! Restart your Blizzard client
Events launch across the world at the same time. If they didn’t it would be unfair for different timezones.
just came online here… germany
I got Soldier’s anniversary skin
Cybjorn lul (20 characters)
ORISA forest spirit …
OMG… I am hanzo and genji main …
new sym
20 characters
Tracer something, graffiti I think
i should og check shouldnt i?
Pirate Junkrat. Freaking waste.
Orisas new skin
Mercy and zen anniversary voicelines
Symmetra epic non event skin
soldier from last year
i got the brig one. next one im hoping for is orisa
Sherlock McCree (the only hitscan hero I utterly suck at…) and Venom Soldier.
I’m pretty happy with them though, especially Soldier
Still updating, but i really hope for the new Doomfist skin.