Fine. I'll Say It

?? I’m saying that you need to connect your profile to the site for the stats to actually load in. If you have a private profile, a yellow symbol should appear. (Assuming you had loaded your stats in before you went private. Then your old stats would only appear)

Who wants to be this guy?

Reference, please, otherwise it never happened.

The primary differentiator of Overwatch is the presence of tanks and supports – which means TTK is long and there are a lot of second chances in the game to swing a round after dying in-game. Other aspects of the game such as the respawn mechanic and hard hero counters makes it so that aim is not necessarily a core skill for these heroes – it’s game sense and positioning which are the most important aspect of the game, especially for tanks and support.

For high lethal FPS, any player can play CS:GO, and any variant of the battle royale genre ever since PUBG was created. The core fundamental of these games is that dying in-game impacts heavily on its winnability. Moreover, it also relies really heavily on aim as a core skill – Overwatch has never been like that since the beginning of its release.

For these reasons, I believe in the simplest explanation: Overwatch is a shooter with MOBA elements, unique in its genre, and totally friendly to casuals (not like other aim-intensive FPS games like Counterstrike or Apex Legends).


Fam, how long did it take you to write all of this??
I am sorry but i honestly can’t be bothered to read all of this.

It was stated at Surprise Reveal by Metzen at Blizzcon.

This is a high lethal FPS game.

I don’t agree with these changes (because looks like your going the opposite way of what you’re saying.) but I do agree Forced Dive Isn’t a solution

Senior VP making a statement years before OW release – when OW was still vaporware. Lol, do you take pre-release announcements on vaporware as gospel?


But Blizzard wanted to take piece of e-sport pie and tried to make Overwatch e-sport friendly…in other words, make it more similar with CS.

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Because making a CS-variant is Blizzard’s core strategy towards making OW an esport. :rofl:

Wow, it might actually be true that Valorant is the OW killer! :rofl:

Why do you dismiss winrates but not pickrates?

What variables are there exactly in those deductions?
What do they measure?
How do you filter for endogeneity?

that’s exactly why stats mean nothing
cuz alot- of the playerbase espiecally in GM+ don’t log in bruv

No, OP! I’ll say it! I don’t care that you broke your elbow!

(ó ì_í)=óò=(ì_í ò)

Couldn’t have sed it better myself

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What did we do to deserve you

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What is it that you’re referring to?

What is what exactly?

Idk what this is lol.

Googles it

So it’s a fancy word for problem. Okay… I’m gonna need to know what the problem is mate.

How? Again, the sample size is big enough. No one expects us to have the data of every single player because one, that’s not possible and two, it’s not necessary. Sample sizes exist for a reason. For example, if we want to record how many women in America vote for Democrats, we’re not actually going to go up to 156 million women to ask their opinion. We’re just going to ask the opinion of a few thousand or so and then calculate the percentage from that. :yawning_face:

Ironically, GM players would be the ones that log in the most since they have the most incentive to:

  1. They’re more likely to be featured in the Top Players section. When I used to play, this was one of the reasons I used Overbuff. Overbuff told me I was the best Mercy for PS4.
  2. GM players care more about their statistics than lower tier players. They also know how to analyse the data better than lower tier players.
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if there is only 20% of the people that play overwatch aren’t signed in overbuff u STILL can’t balance the game on stats because this 20% players can have highwinrates
or onetricks
also take into accout smurf accounts alot of people made accounts to climb with and reached low gm with over 70% winrates
so it’s just not a thing that we can balance the game around
also balancing the game around stats
makes the game stale to play trust me when i say it
because ana is supposed to be balanced right ? but her stats says otherwise she should get nerfed
and she will get nerfed if we are talking about stats balancing only
but in reality she is just so fun to play and alot of players in higher tiers would like to go ana not moira

i literally have 2 accounts in gm
and 1 in masters
and few others in lower tiers
and all of them not logged into overbuff

You made a series of very clear points, explained your position, the reasoning behind your position, and overall did a fantastic job of making your case. All without rank shaming.

I am in awe of your analysis, but moreso your presentation. It’s formatted well, and reads well despite being close to what people would consider “wall of text”. This is the sort of argument that I can learn from, and I hope others do too. Kudos to you.


That’s absurd. No, seriously. What you just said is an incredibly dumb statement. We’re talking 80% of the playerbase here. If we genuinely had the statistics of 80% of the playerbase, we’d have an incredibly large sample size; enough to deduce balance for every single hero in the game.

Whatever you just cited afterwards aren’t valid reasons.

I don’t care much for hypotheticals if I’m being honest.

Except smurfs would also be included in actual game statistics that the developers have? You’re acting as if the smurf data is only exclusive to Overwatch. It’s also questionable for a smurf to even bother tracking their smurf data given how they would be boosting themselves essentially. In simpler terms, they should know that their stats are heavily inflated.

So far, we’ve been balancing off of pro players - the infamous pro discord. That hasn’t turned out well, has it? Well, what about individual feedback? This is more tolerable and can be taken into account but we need to make a distinction between incessant whining and actual feedback.

I’d say a mix between public feedback and statistics is necessary to move the game forward. If you see balance as stale, that’s honestly your own problem. :man_shrugging:t5:

Eh, I don’t think Ana is balanced. From my own personal experience and from statistics. Her nade is far too good imho, her sleep is incredibly long and her ultimate makes heroes pseudo immortal. It also doesn’t help that she contributes to nanoblade which is ridiculously hard to fight back against and Genji just recently got a buff. :yawning_face:

Well, that’s what I think. Her stats line up with my experience. Another thing to note here is what Titanium has already said. If there’s grounds to nerf Brig, there more definitely is grounds to nerf Ana. This is solely based off of statistics alone but I can also throw in my own experience just for the sake of it. I genuinely think Ana is worse than Brig…

This doesn’t mean she’s not overtuned? :face_with_monocle:

No, “like” is irrelevant in higher ranks. You play to win. You don’t play a hero you simply like. Especially if it’s a low skill hero that’s supposedly better. I guarantee you people would be playing Moira way more if she was actually an overtuned hero. Instead, Ana is the one that’s being played more.

Additionally, prior to the recent Ana changes (I’m talking a couple of months back) Ana wasn’t a solid pick in GM. So, what happened to all the people that were playing her just cuz they “like “ to? :relieved:

Firstly, you don’t really need to use Overbuff on stats. As I said previously, your stats are inflated. Secondly, this is anecdotal at best. I’m speaking generally here. To clarify, are you saying that GM players don’t care more about their statistics than lower tier players and aren’t better at analysing said statistics than lower tier players?

I read through the whole post and I agree
But the way I see it is blizzard won’t make the changes necessary because they don’t wanna offend the Dps mains that complain when they get beat by a support.
I’ve played this game since beta and all I’ve been seeing is destroy the support buff the dps. It really does suck because I’m a support main and I see why so many support mains leave this game.