Finally some buffs for Lucio!

Might not be too big but I’m still satisfied that my main support finally got much needed buffs.


no roadhog buffs whats the point

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He’s still be trash, lol.
Why pick him over busted Zenyatta?

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Hopefully the support changes will allow for more Lucio and less mercy on main support slot.

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Zenyatta isn’t busted, he just happens to Synergize extremely well with Mercy

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Mercy was the reason Zenyatta was OP, She removed most weaknesses from him without her he’s not an issue.


Before mercy rework, wasn’t Zenyatta meta with Lucio?

Road is fine. He has an higher picker than Winston

no winston buffs whats the point

Still higher than Orisa

no orisa buffs whats the point

Still higher than Sombra

no sombra nerfs whats the point

Still higher than Bastion

still no roadhog buffs im quitting the game

I’d like if him and fed less ult charge

Because I have a 60%+ winrate on Lucio after 14 hours this Season at a Masters level and a 20%ish winrate on Zen?

That’s extreme anecdotal evidence.
Zenyatta will be meta flat out, and always will be.

I just gave you why I personally choose Lucio over Zen. I perform at a high level and win often on one, and am trash at the other.

Of course its anecdotal. It didn’t serve as evidence for anyone else to pick him.

It is merely why I do.


what happened with lucio, What did i miss fam?

“roadhog, a non situational character, is fine in comparison to this hyper situational character that’s only situation where he is viable now has a hard counter to it. So therefore a character that ultimately has no situations to be viable in is a good character to compare any hero to make them seem balanced.”

Im sorry but thats a kinda bad. any character looks good when you compare them to the worst one in their class.
Compare mccree to bastion and you’ll say “oh MCCREE IS FINE. See, he has a higher pickrate than bastion.”