Finally given up on this trash game

It’s got to be the worst video game experience I’ve ever had. And I just really hope I can bin it off and not come back.

I love the game but at the same time it’s just awful and I hate it. Comp has become a joke. I’ve been playing for most of the afternoon today and the majority of my games had either smurfs on my side or the enemy side, resulting in completely unfair matches which are basically a waste of time. The games I had where everyone seemed to be in their actual rank usually had leavers, people that were afk, jumping off the map or wondering around shooting the walls. I watched some of the replays back and its an absolute joke. Do people seriously have nothing better to do with their time than ruin the game for everyone else?

I honestly don’t mind loosing a fair match where the enemy team were better than me. But when it’s a 4k dps with a mercy pocket on an alt account in silver or gold, who then gloats about it in chat. It’s just not a fun experience anymore is it.

I was matched with the same smurfs 3 times in a row. Twice on my side and once on the enemy side. I reported them every time but nothing. Surely if I report someone I’m not going to want to play with them or against them the very next match! I would have thought that would be pretty obvious. Has the player base really become that low that it can’t find anyone else? I mean I don’t know why I bother, when there’s groups called race to bottom 500 and others blatantly selling accounts or offering boosting, its clear to me that blizzard just don’t care anymore. At this point they might as well remove the report option altogether.

I’m sure it never used to be like this. I remember when I first got the game it was fun and matches felt fair. Somethings obviously gone wrong somewhere. Maybe they’ll fix it for overwatch 2, probably not, who knows. I don’t think I’ll bother checking.

Just a shame I can’t get my 1,000 hours back, haha. Have a good life :wave:


Not sure if you saw my response to your message from last night??


It’s amazing right? I always wondered how anyone would have time for this.

I always would get upset because I was investing my personal time to play Overwatch and getting such bad community members really is a kick in the nuts after working all day/week.

I will agree, your time is better spent doing something else.

Unfortunately you play on PlayStation or I’d ask if I could have your account :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Not sure what it’s like on Console but I assume it’s extremely low (hence cross play).

If it was a year and 1/2 ago, I would probably be trying to convince you to come to PC. But even now, I wouldn’t recommend it.

But if you wanna play PC games, you can join me on Valorant :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

When I started on PC, I started in Bronze (like 900 SR). As I was climbing to gold, it wasn’t unusual to run into smurf 6-stacks that were throwing to bronze.

They’d absolutely destroy you all game long but as soon as the last 10 seconds were remaining, they’d all disappear or go AFK and die. As soon as your team capped point, they slaughter fest would continue.

So my experience is that it’s always been this way. And that was in season 11 when Open Queue was still around.

Sorry the experience has been so negative for you homie.

Hmu!! Let’s play some Valorant!!


Posts like these make me believe more and more that blizzard is trying to induce some kind of addiction within its playerbase. Everytime someone makes a quitting post its always something like a junkie saying they are trying to kick a habit.


I mean…. There’s a lot of psychological research that discusses the exploitation of addictive personality combined with in-game content and other things.

People’s inability to exercise self-control never seems to amaze me.


You are not alone.

Fck this game
ck Activision
Suck my C*ck

Part of what makes OW2 bad is them stealing the Valorant scorebard UI and artwork style for portraits…

Begone necro-troll. . . . . … …

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Bye to the forums as well then? I got banned for 24hrs for using a censored swear word… maybe remove the post if you plan to stick around?

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The moderators here will even ban people from playing the game itself because they said something on the forum, because for some asinine reason they can. This guy is risking his whole account and access to the game by making those comments.