Finally deleted my account

Everything I liked about this game is gone or turned into a joke. It would take forever to bring it all back and I’m all out of copium and patience. I don’t have another 5 years.

There must not be anything to go back to because of hopes or sunk cost. OW1 is DELETED.

I’m also not interested in being a “high certainty” puppet to “calibrate” all these newbies btw.


Safe travels gamer. :saluting_face:



Helldivers 2 is pretty fun. Come help us decide our next calldown.



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Should’ve just sold it if you have any rare OG skins. L.


Did it have pink or alien zarya?


Why delete it? Just an emotional “screw you” to an inanimate video game or something? You might want to play again in a year or so. I take many long breaks. It’s a video game, not your ex-girlfriend that cheated on you.


Do you feel better now, because this was utterly pointless to do. I left a ton of games and never deleted my account. Maybe someday I will play them again. Who knows.

I feel like some people take everything the devs to too personally. You should left the game a long time ago if you try to celebrate deleting your account. I hope your mental health improves now.


I for one love the departure announcements maybe one day I’ll wake up and quit too. I’m addicted and want that old feeling like back in beta when it was the wild Wild West. Today it’s all AI matchmaking he’ll it even tells you it matched you “expected to lose” in competitive… just saying…


Ngl I’m probably gonna leave, loo.
I’ll keep my account to play maybe once a month with my brother before dropping it again, but aside from that, I’m not gonna touch it. Just not bloody worth it. The game absolutely sucks lately.

  • Nobody talks in chat anymore. The ones that do are absolutely psychotic - either toxic as hell, or spamming nonsense.
  • People rarely emote and joke around anymore. Today I played 10 matches and every single lobby was absolutely dead. No movement. No chat. No voice lines. I spammed “hello” in a few and got nothing back. It feels like a ghost town.
  • Matchmaking is incredibly broken, and has been for AGES. I either throttle players, or I get beaten so hard it gives me flashbacks to my dad in prison.
  • Combo of the last two points makes the whole game feel very “dead internet”. Like none of the other players are even real people. Like I’m playing with soulless bots. WHAT’S THE POINT IN PLAYING WITH OTHER PEOPLE IF IT JUST MAKES ME FEEL LONELY???a
  • Cheaters in every match. Throwers in every match.
  • Multiple leavers in every match.
  • Playing console is absolute cancer. The aim disparity between me (good aim for console) and the worst PC player is ridiculous. The more you play, the more obvious it gets. The higher your rank, the more heroes are completely untouchable, because it’s so difficult to aim as well as the enemy players. But any time I try to turn off cross-platform play, it takes 30+ minutes to even enter a QP game. So unfair.
  • The community is absolutely rank. Just toxicity all around. Especially these forums.
    Sombra ruins every single match.
  • The game has been mutilated over the years - warped into something that isn’t even FUN anymore. The devs are making the most ridiculous choices and completely ignoring sound advice in order to cater to the whiniest players.
  • Never mind the sheer greed of the company, and these ludicrous skins. They’re fleecing the players. IMO skin-buyers are just as bad as NFT-buyers lmao.

I played 10 matches today and I didn’t even have fun. What a waste of time.
Literally the only thing that has kept this game running for so long is the sheer addictive quality of it. It appeals to modern “ADHD zoomer” brain and gives immediate dopamine, but doesn’t actually have any real value.
I implore all of you to take a look at yourselves. Be honest. What keeps you here?
Do you actually have fun in most matches?
I am willing to bet my left tit that most OW2 players are just suffering from videogame addiction. No shame in that. We’ve all been there. Or you wouldn’t be on these forums lmao. No normal person visits videogame forums.
I implore the lads to get well, and consume better media, if you’re going to consoom at all.


Because the game is beyond redemption, and he’s decided “I have no interest in this game anymore”. That’s the whole point of the post.


PC or console? i want to play HD, but not willling to put nProtect on my PC…considering PS5 for that…plays well on console?

Sorry, PC for me. Dunno what it’s like on PS5 but I’m assuming since the PC is the port, it’s probably fine.

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Can I have your stuff

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I get that, but unless there is some hard drive space issues or lack of willpower not to play, why go the extra mile and delete the entire account?

Does he also go through and delete all his folders and saves for other games he is “done” playing? Does he just end a game and never go back and play it ever again?

What makes OW so special (or evil) that he feels compeled to erase it entirely? It’s a video game, not some illicit love affair.

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i applaud you and don’t wish you happy life because i know you’ll have one o7

For you it’s a video game. My honest impression after reading these types of posts over the years is that for many it’s almost literally the same as an abusive relationship :melting_face:

And to be fair, if they think they have an issue, are in such an abusive relationship with a video game and deleting the account leads to them leading a better life because of it… it was a good choice.

Edit: Though they did create this thread afterwards on an account that doesn’t seem deleted… so I don’t really get the point after all.

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Wanna know what’s utterly pointless? Your reply.

Toxic boot licking at its finest.


This. The way Blizzard and the game’s leadership in general act, it really is an abusive relationship.

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But the shills here swear that its better than ever and are so excited for skin concepts that may come to the game. /s