Field Report: Native Vanadium Cache

Field Report: Native Vanadium Cache

Years ago, a unique cache of native Vanadium was unearthed near Petra. The cache was curiously handed over to Oasis’s Minister of Genetics, Moira O’Deorain, for undisclosed research . . .

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First here :moyai: im cool


no blizzard, your lame attempt to tell the story after your failure of making the pve story mode with a lot of missions just dont work, creating more factions with nothing to do with the main plof of overwatch, talon and null sector is not moving the lore forward, nothing of these matters because there will be no consequenses or anything will happen


they got the stuff huh?

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next season give everyone including hampter some vanadium



you know this is not a bad idea, but instead of giving it to the characters they could infect some maps


So found by the wayfinders in petra, and they keeping hyping up the venture skin for season 14… Almost willing to bet the mythic will be a vandium themed venture skin lol.


The game play is most important. Hopefully not another Orisa, Roadhog, Doomfist type of Tank with 0 team protection.

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It can TP like Moira, if I read that right.

He put the glob in him, and they were talking about how it can make travel easier. But Moira wants to sell it for weapons for other research.


Doubt it next season will probably be themed around Christmas mythic skin will follow that theme
my bet is that venture is getting an entire bundle of legendary skins

Let the people cry, but I am happy, that they throw out a bit of lore and story with Hazard and hope that they continue this for every new hero.

It never has been any other way and it worked in the past. PvE was a pipe dream. Get over it. We dont need missions to tell a story and we never needed it. Archives was nice, but most of the story was the comic books, shorts and such kind of posts. Thats enough if they continue to do this.

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I would EEEEASILY get over it if they gave us lore through animated shorts that look like they were made by Pixar or something. Last one we got Sojourn’s a whole year ago. Overwatch 1 days it felt like we got 2 per year

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I also get this, but they also said that it costs a TON of money and over a year to make. Not to mention that the studio also makes the stuff for the other games. So I have not a problem with more of Juno/Hazards kind of stories, comic book readings and such posts like this here.

I think D4 is currently taking up most of the shorts…

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Orisa can protect her team. Just because most people don’t doesn’t mean she can’t

You have no idea what happend and are not even interested to hear the story… You are just a sad player who will not listen to anything. Keep being miserable, then. Dont care.


Thanks for this stuff, Blizzard. It’s neat.

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everyone failed, everyone, they had time and resources, and any info actually is not confirmed, everything is anonymous sources and we dont have a way to confirm if is true, but i dont care, they failed, even if was not developers fault what happened to pve ow2 is full of problems that are 100% developers fault like 5vs5, bad balance, bad modes, terrible patches and so on

you are the one happy with the lame state overwatch 2 is and has been and will be, you are deffending this

here i am just shooting it for years never knew it was special :thinking:

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I mean it wasn’t… tell someone tried to seal it and caused a reaction.

History is a troll, ignore them.