Fiber Internet Won’t Run Overwatch

i recently switched to fiber, and it’s been so much faster than the internet i had beforehand. unfortunately, it also won’t work with overwatch — the connection will be great, and everything will be running smoothly for minutes before overwatch suddenly disconnects, booting me from games and then the home page.

this isn’t a device-specific issue, it disconnects on both console and pc, while other online fps games have no similar issues of disconnecting. i’ve tried different routers and connecting direct via ethernet cable, but nothing fixes it— any suggestions on how to potentially fix this? thanks! :]

(posted this in the bug fix tag initially— sorry about that!)

If changing ISPs caused the problem, you’ll want to confront the new ISP about it. Perhaps their hardware isn’t configured correctly, but it would be their responsibility to get it working.

thanks! do you know what specific settings/functions of overwatch could be causing this? it’s only been overwatch that’s had this issue maintaining a stable connection.

Which hardware did they switch out?

i just switched providers — originally i was using dsl internet (with much slower speeds) and eventually switched to fiber. i’m using the same router, same hardware (and i’ve tried different routers too).

The fiber provider may have a bad route to the servers, it’s hard to say without seeing networking data from the old service vs the new.