Fellow doom mains

OW2 Doom just need a buff to his RP damage and he would do fine.

Maybe makes him immune to CC on the front when using Power Block so that he doesn’t just get canceled out of it.

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He’s great, people just need to adapt a bit. Doom players and his team.

Though I don’t get the obsession with buffing the punch damage when that’s not what it’s for anymore. It’s a 3 second cd hard stun that now multihits, it’s not meant to secure kills for yourself consistently. Buffing the damage won’t change the fact Doom is feeding if his team doesn’t follow up on his slows and stuns that make the enemy team easier to shoot.

Block could use some work though, if it’s not going to work against hard stuns then it shouldn’t slow Doom down at least. He has the most fluid mobility he has ever had up until he raises his fist to block, it doesn’t feel that good.

I’m not a doomfist main but I do play tank and I’m a big fan. I always liked the idea of flopping around the map grunting and knocking people around, but was turned away by the cheese tactics and the feast-or-famine balance state. Hopefully this rework will help Doom players (possible me?) spend more time doing bouncey punchey Doom stuff and less time walking back from spawn, but it will, of course, come at the expense of the assassin playstyle.

But if people who have been Doom mains this entire time aren’t happy, then of course I want Doom to get changes that are more in line with what they want–at least, as much in line as is possible whilst still getting Doom into a healthy, balanceable state.

Tank doom feels less gimmicky. You dont need to rely on rollouts to get value which makes the hero more consistent and therefore more fun =)

Erm rollouts aren’t reliable in top ranks, punch botting with your team or engaging in brawl/dive gets you 10x more value than rollouts…

Getting one shot in less than 2 seconds just using abilities is stupid, doomfist in high sr elo is a nightmare to play against.

Lmao biggest :billed_cap: ever
He sucks in higher ranks and is amazing in lower ranks…

He gets destroyed 85% of the time in high elo, because of his inconsistensies and his immense number of counters

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Sucks? Doomfist is currently the 4th winrate dps in gm…

And has one of the worst pickrate in this elo with 1.55% pickrate

Winrate means nothing with low pickrate


for me new doom is a lot more fun purely from the thrill of being able to constantly be on the enemies frontline bullying them into submission no matter where they try to go, it really fits my playstyle as a player in general which is probably why it clicked so much for me. i do agree that losing uppercut is a shame for the style of the hero but this new doom has just as much nuance if not more to the way you have to use his kit with the more diverse ways of chaining his abilities together to get value in all kinds of matchups

for context i used to play lucio in teamplay environments, so you give me a hero with comparable mobility and a version of boop with more range, a shorter cooldown, more than double the damage and a STUN, then im very happy

This is not a playstyle lmfao just because it keeps happening to YOU it’s not a playstyle xD if you play like this you won’t even survive in diamond.

Normal dps doom playstyle is vastly different. Go touch some grass before making wrong statements

I can’t even say you’re wrong. Tank is DF is just not a tank. He’s got no tanking potential. He blocks shots coming at himself, not even his team, and he can’t be just moving the payload cause he’s still all about jumping in.

Another one of thesw posts…

Doom has some sort of cc in all of his abilites. He is defined by it. You can’t let him keep his cc when you want the cc in the game to be lower. So either remove it all, or make him a tank.

Not gonna lie, DPS doom feels very clunky compared to OW 2 doom.

I’ll give the developers credit for one thing with regards to Tankfist:

Replacing Slam and Uppercut with another ability is sure one way to get around the bugs infesting both without ever having to admit you were unable/unwilling to fix them, never did and never will have to.

Now, when the new ability glitches out, you can call them new bugs in the catalogue and kick it down the line.

Rocket Punch still has more ****ing sliders than a White Castle, though. Utterly worthless dev team; never change.

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OW1 doom is fun if youre merciless like cass and hog

OW2 doom is fun if youre considerate like genji and winston

Funny thing is you still get no reg slams as well :roll_eyes:
It’s embarrassing how bad and lazy they are.

Yeah, but now those no regs are technically different bugs on a “new” ability, so they can say they “solved” the old bugs at last.

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