(EDIT: i dont actually think they hate tank players)

Balancing ??? When are you going to balance the heroes that are getting asked to get balanced by the community? Like Briggite.

i doubt it but any chance we can get an update on what is happening with hog?

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You might want to check the patch notes…

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Thank you for replying to this issue. I understand that you are a tank fan. I am also a tank main. If I had my choice, I would focus on Rein and D.va. But the challenge is that the changes made are not done in a vacuum. Changes to tank killers and armor fundamentally change the way games are played in mid and higher ranks.

While I agree Brig needed changes, adding damage beyond what most pickup games or LFG teams can coordinate (enough to compensate for) and stunting tank survivability surly can’t always be the right answer. There seems to be a push to massively increase damage for one character, then increase damage on other characters to allow them to “compete”…but those players who are dedicated to making space, going forward and allowing for progress to be made (tank mains) are continuously left with fewer and fewer protections. Not everything is a team fight with casual players.

I get that everyone likes talking about Goats and Death ball or Dive. But those are not the heart of the game. The game is about dynamic strategies where each player has to think on their proverbial toes, even when coordinating for team strats. This is especially true for shield tank mains. There is a reason so few shield tank mains are represented in the upper echelons of ranked. And before someone say’s “get gud”, that isn’t the point. It is simply easier to rank up as DPS and it is getting easier and easier (and I still see Brig as a DPS character as much as an off tank or healer). Tanks are important, but a lot is done to discourage people from picking up Rein, Orisa or Winston. We see shields in a lot of games…but not because they are played by tank mains. They are reluctant choices by DPS mains usually…and that just sucks.

When someone is learning how to play or playing ranked, and they have a choice of going damage, which has a lower general skill floor to be effective, or a tank, which has to depend on situationally aware DPS and heals, they are going to go the easier and more rewarding route. If I the game was in it’s current state when I started…I would do the same. It is painful to play and struggle because of dependencies on other characters that are too busy “fragging” because that is what they are supposed to do and not worrying about team positioning or game play.

As a fellow tank main…please help. I get tanks are not as sexy to play as DPS or as a damage/heal option (i.e. Brig, Zen or Moira), but they are important and as people who love the game, we should be encouraging people to learn how to play them, not reminding people how much better it is to pick damage and let the shortest straw go tank. Hopefully I am not the only one who thinks so…

…ok rant over.

Just needed to vent…


" [ i dont actually think they hate tank players)]"

Well, now I do.


It’s like no one reads the COC.


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oh god my biggest mistake is back


i feel like they do hate tank players


What can i say? It’s topical.


When this thread was first made, I saw it as overly self-pitying. Now, it’s weirdly prophetic.


It’s not necroing, it had a reason to be bumped because it’s related to the topic being it feels like the devs hate tank players


Agreed, I think they just want to kill tanks so GOATs will disappear

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After reading the new notes, i got the same thinking, the same ideas that you discribed.

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Please don’t overuse “balance”. Please.

These recent updates just reinforce the original statements in this thread. It is unfortunate that after so many people here talked about the HUGE amount of problems that tanks are facing that the next big update was to nerf tanks even further…

I agree with the original premise, It really feels like the devs hate tanks at this point. Whether they actually do or not is irrelevant. Their actions are making the entire tank community feel this way.


Remember when Dev’s would even respond to community feedback on the forums?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Hey man, lets not too crazy.

the go to random streams now so they can talk down to their audience

If there is any feeling of them “talking down” to us, we clearly have people like you to thank for it.

Remember when people didn’t bump old threads to be sarcastic?

Says the guy bumping it again after 11 hours and not even reading to see who actually bumped it previously. :man_facepalming: