Feel very pressured as a tank main

I really hate how much pressure there is on me as a tank player to do well (Gold 1, so close to plat :upside_down_face:). Sometimes I have off days. Sometimes I can’t seem to get value from my picks, and I feel like the tank gets called out faster than any other role.

Maybe it’s the new scoreboard that shows everyone in the game exactly how everyone else is doing.

Maybe it’s because I’m the only tank on the team, and if I die or can’t get value, there’s no one there to share the burden/blame.

Maybe it’s just because the tank is a very important role, and if I’m not performing, then it impacts the team more.

idk, I feel like I’m taking the blame for 2 people in Overwatch 2.

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When you play tank You’re the Chad leading the way for their team. It’s not an easy role, it’s not a thankful role, it’s a “I do what needs to be done” role. They won’t always show appreciation for you, but when you play well your team will be glad to have you. So if you don’t play well one game who cares, go next and carry that one

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Thanks, I needed the pep talk.

Will do, sir :saluting_face:

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