Feel Blizz needs to apologize To all the players who wanted to play a Builder

Sym rework- Failure

Torb’s Rework - Delayed to a point past Oct.


No, that’s not it.

People need to understand that this is not a static game and never will be. That means builders need to be revamped to be a “never before seen” type of active builder. Sym was a step in the right direction and now just needs some tweaks.

As for Torb, he was somehow even MORE static than Symmetra… So he’s going to need more than new wheels and a fresh coat of paint.

They want the characters to counter who they still counter, but make them more viable outside of niches. That in itself is a tough thing to do. So hey, give them a break while they try to perform the miracle of putting builders in a game that is anti-builder by its very core concept.

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Look they had more than half a year help builders but seems resources went else where.

Several people are typing

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“cough” OWL “cough”

I mean, at cost of renting fancy OWL Arena they could hire several departments of designers, artists and programmers for several years to make the game itself better and bigger.




It’s like Torb and Sym were supposed to slow down Genji and Tracer. Then those two became the front cover of the game, so of course Torb and Sym were “balanced” so those other two would be more fun to play.

Then started a cycle of unnecessary patches till we had Dive meta for a year then even more patchs.

Till you cannot eve recognize Torb or Sym anymore. (Like were replaced with new heroes)

(I wish I could post a pic of Anubis eating skittles.)



Failure because they failed to communicate their plan throughout and listen to those that played her most. The Sym subreddit is still debating and the devs are silent to all the time and effort everyone puts into their arguments.


Oh honey… I don’t think tweaks will salvage this


More like a revert, seriously the only way.

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  • Half charge time between stages on primary fire
  • Half deploy time on teleporter

That’d fix most of it.

Half the distance, makes it more like a shotgun, give her two, name her Reaper … wait

(Why it should be reverted)

Nah, tweaks as in range/speed adjustments.

15mps flying sentries AND/OR -.5 seconds for setup when it hits a wall.
25mps-30mps projectile speed energy balls.
14m-16m range for primary fire.
11m-12m range for sentries’ beams.
Maybe +2 seconds added to her charge’s grace-period.
Maybe +10 minimum dmg, -10 maximum dmg.

So really by some tweaks, I mean, like, add numbers to her entire kit lmao. But no rework necessary since she’s objectively more useful (lolokyerightuseful) than Sym 2.0.

Look I will agree if the next change is not an increase of Two meters again. (Seriously why)

sym is fine she just needs

increased time rate on the damage tick and fall of rate time from doing no damage.


CD reduction of earning a new turret from 10 seconds to 6-8 to have better control of a point while fighting dive heroes.

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I feel like I recognize that artist by the style. Do you know where it came from?