[Feedback Thread Continued Part IV] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

If they were to make these exact changes to her, she’ll be a must pick support in every game, something she already is anyway. 30 to 40% instant health AND 10 to 20% reduced damage taken for 3 seconds? maybe a speed boost on top of it for 3 seconds, cause instant heal on top of her left click clearly isn’t enough yet.

Seriously, how is that balanced? and of course, mass rez. What a surprise.

I can see that over countless times of the nerf mercy threads, the rage between each side.
But how do you guys keep going

it’s good that you have hope even though you against almost everyone, what makes you continue.

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The desire to resolve the situation in a way that everone is at least somewhat happy.

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I see you have good intentions.

Has everyone seen this yet?

these animations always make me happy ^.^


Seems they are still moving threads/posts to the old megathread which is unpinned and unusable :rofl:.

DON’T use any of the old versions of mass rez. Instead:

AoE rez in 12 meters (same as Lucio’s new aura)

.8 second cast time (for reference, the stun duration on Mcree’s flashbang is .7 seconds). If Mercy gets stunned or killed during the cast, rez doesn’t go through and Mercy loses all of her ult charge.

Line of Sight required. No casting through walls or around corners.

No invulnerability. Rez instead releases a 250hp burst heal to all still-living allies (and Mercy) after she finishes casting rez. This shifts rez to be a midfight ult, like Trance or Sound Barrier. Mercy would still need at least one corpse to use rez.

If Mercy uses this version of rez too late in the fight (e.g. hide n rez), she’s more likely to die during casting than actually get off a successful rez. The burst heal makes it much more profitable to stay with the team instead of slinking away before you use your ult.


And you then go on to describe exactly what her old mass res was like when she was considered trash. She used to have a cast time and no invuln and was considered trash. You then want to throw more nerfs on top of what was considered trash…

I guess we refuse to learn from history around here and prefer to repeat it…

If we want a Mercy revert then she needs a new E ability too.

My ideas for it:

  • A placeable kit that prevents any CC effect in the area
  • Chain healing what also prevents targets and Mercy from dying (While the effect is active the HP can only be reduced to 5)
  • A shorter version of Valk with reduced uptime

Not to mention, they’re even moving stuff into megathread II, which has been closed since April.

The two posts above me was moved into this thread from there too

I think the end of this one expresses our attitude about mercy nerfs.


No… we don’t want more nerf, the whole reason we are flaring up is because of the NERF >~>

It has been 11 months… It is all regurgitating ideas

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I can see that since some of them repeat, also nice name by the way

Wonder if I’m that fellow forum user.

i doesn’t matter what you want, Mercy is overpowered and should be nerfed even more

I got an idea for new E ability if rez got moved back to Q

  • Healing at 60% of primary fire (left click)
  • Damage boosting at 60% of secondary fire (right click)

Adjustable number though
Maybe on cooldown if the number is too good
Maybe no cooldown, like Zen’s orb
Maybe faster GA cd during ability
Maybe mini-valk
Just maybe.

Is this some sort of projectile, buff pack or…? Like, how would the mechanics work.

I find it hilarious how Blizzard pins these topics and lets them stay up but doesn’t even do anything with Mercy besides just nerf her again. It doesn’t matter how many times you nerf her, she’ll still be a must pick because of rez and her healing. Obviously having rez as an E ability isn’t working out since I believe she’s been nerfed 9 times already?